Crisis in Ecuador: Indigenous Peoples have again rejected the call for dialogue and new clashes have occurred in Quito


The indigenous Ecuadorian movement rejected the call for "direct dialogue" That's what President Lenín Moreno did Friday, despite the convulsions that have shaken the country for ten days.

The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) made public its rejection last night in a statement in which it had warned that the opening of the dialogue was a breakthrough. subject to the repeal of the decree which eliminated the fuel subsidy and led to higher gasoline prices with increased consumption.

From this decree, issued on October 1, natives, peasants, unions and social movements organized demonstrations, street cuts and highways, strikes and political demonstrations. all kinds of events.

A group of demonstrators resist the repression of the Ecuadorian security forces. (Photo: AFP)
A group of demonstrators resist the repression of the Ecuadorian security forces. (Photo: AFP)
A protester in Quito with the flag of Ecuador on the back. (Photo: AFP)
A protester in Quito with the flag of Ecuador on the back. (Photo: AFP)

At least five people died during the demonstrations and nearly 900 were arrested. The strength of the reaction led President Moreno to a decree last week state of exception all over the country and to move the seat of government from Quito to Guayaquil.

Yesterday, Moreno called on indigenous leaders to hold a "direct dialogue" able to find a solution to the conflict, but the call was launched in a context of violent repression around the seat of parliament, where thousands of protesters

In his response, Conaie emphasized that the proposed dialogue "was maintained during this process of resistance in one of the worst massacres in the history of Ecuador, an exacerbated violence interposed by the public and the military forces ".

"We are preparing for dialogue when the decree is repealed"who eliminated the fuel subsidy, he completed.

A wounded protester is helped by his companions in the media demonstrations that shake Quito for ten days. (Photo: AFP)
A wounded protester is helped by his companions in the media demonstrations that shake Quito for ten days. (Photo: AFP)


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