Lenín Moreno, ready for dialogue with the natives – News


The President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, said he was willing to talk with the indigenous communities, who gave the tone of his protest, while the authorities estimated at 477 the number of Arrests during the riots recorded during the demonstrations that took place after the agreement with the International Monetary Fund. (IMF) and the increase in fuels, reported Friday the Ecuadorian press.

In a short televised message, Moreno said that he was determined to change the country, to punish those who had stolen, to control prices and to punish speculators, quoted by the news agency. EFE and the newspaper Trade, from Quito.

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The president issued these statements a day after the president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), Jaime Vargas, had assured that the possibilities of dialogue with the government were "closed" and threatened that " Army and police officers approaching indigenous territories will be retained and brought to aboriginal justice.

"I am always determined to speak, to reach out to honest people, to honest people who really want to change the country, I am determined to speak with you, indigenous brothers," insisted Moreno, who asked to address issues such as than using the country's resources for those who need them most. "

He also asked the general population not to lend "to take advantage of those seeking chaos".

Indigenous communities plan to march Monday in Quito to reject rising fuels and the exploitation of natural resources on their territories.

Former President Rafael Correa, meanwhile, published in his report Twitter a call for Friday at 17 years old in the city of Guayaquil, where a concentration of protest is scheduled to measures the government of Moreno, his successor, currently facing.

In the meantime, the Minister of Government, María Paula Romo, announced Sunday the arrests in 477 and pointed out that most of these arrests were related to acts of vandalism, as explained a televised interview with the Minister of Defense, Oswaldo Jarrín Romo. .

The minister also reported that a man died this weekend after being hit in Azuay province and that he could not be treated in time because the man was dead. Ambulance who was on the spot could not arrive.

The Azuay government said in a statement that the emergency department had received the call for help. However, according to the statement, the aid ambulance could not access the site due to the closure of roads.

Taxi drivers in the province of Pichincha (Quito) announced in a statement that they would not be working today, despite the fact that the State Attorney General's Office reported on the penalties for suspending public services.

For its part, the Favorite Corporation, the largest supermarket chain in Ecuador, reported that the country's stores were supplying products gradually.

The government said classes had not resumed nationwide, as previously announced, but would remain suspended in some provinces due to protests.

The wave of claims began after, burdened by the debt and lack of liquidity in this dollarized economy, Moreno agreed on a millionaire loan program with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), including providing for the removal of fuel subsidies. they claimed $ 1.3 billion a year.

This removal of state aid will result in the price of a gallon of gasoline (equivalent to 3.78 liters) of 1.85 to 2.22 USD.


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