"My son was for me or for nobody," said the mother before strangling her so that she would not be arrested.


His friends describe it without looking back: "Obsessed by his son". They were referring to Ana Maria Baños Lozano, the woman who shocked everyone in El Ejido, Almería, Spain, for strangling her baby boy to death, called Sergio

She has, in her way, confirmed this obsession. "It was for me or for nobody," he repeated to his friends when I told them about the fights I had with Sergio Fernández López, the baby's father, whom he had separated two years ago.

Once behind, Ana María filed a complaint against Fernández López in April 2017 for presumption of abuse To the baby Justice has made a protection order, has provisionally authorized the use of the house and finally the custody of the child. This decision became a final sentence in February of this year, so the parents agreed to a regime of visits.

However when Justice filed the complaint for abuseFernández López again claimed the custody of the child, changed the visiting regime and asked the guard on the grounds that "the mother did not diligently take care of the child in areas such as attendance at school or balanced meals ".

The story would eventually change in October when Justice resulted in dad's trial, published a new sentence and he granted Fernández López the possession of little Sergioas published L & # 39; vanguard.

Ana María prevented her in the worst way: three days before the justice informed her of the new situation, for which she was going to lose her guard, she strangled her to kill the boy 7 years old. Reported by a neighbor, the murderer wanted to escape in his car, but the Civil Guard broke one of the windows, left the vehicle and arrested it for the crime of his son.


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