Alberto in Macri: Of the $ 39,000 million that the IMF has given us, $ 30,000 million has been recovered by its friends


Alberto debate

Twitter Alberto Fernández

In the first round of the debate – on international relations – Fernández referred to the Mercosur, questioned the agreement with the European Union and claimed sovereignty over the Falkland Islands. "We all know that globalization is here to stay and we are challenged to deal with it. It does not require us to resign or kneel. We can discuss how to enter the world, with dignity and position, "he said.

"Latin America has many regions. We belong to Mercosur, a regional area that has been abandoned for a long time. The first obligation is to bring Latin America closer together and strengthen Mercosur. From there, we can very well discuss with the EU ways to reach an agreement. I do not know what is the signed agreement, they never told us what it was, "said the presidential candidate and favorite of the generals.

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"I'm not afraid of opening, but I will not allow it to be used by Argentine industries," he added. He also questioned Foreign Exchange's position on the Falklands: "During these years, the government was very busy doing business with the United States, but it forgot to claim its sovereignty."


"I do not know in what country Macri lives," said the candidate of the FdT, following the proposals of his main rival, the generals. "Maybe he did not find out, but the $ 39,000 million the fund gave us escaped $ 30,000 and his friends took him away. will have to explain to Argentina where these funds went as they are not on bridges or in housing, his friends took him away. It's the only truth and it's time we stopped lying, "he said. Fernandez in turn to talk about the economic situation of the country.

"A place where the Macri government has failed categorically is in economics. He never understood how it works. He believed that to fight against inflation, he had to tackle the consumption. So what did he do? He prevented the banks from granting credit and those who live on a salary took money from them. He did it with those who work and retirees, "he accused Fernandez.

"Argentina is a country that consumes 70% of its production. When we affect consumption, it affects production and then unemployment is affected and generates poverty. When the mandate ends, he will have left five million new poor, "he said.

"He had to solve the tax problem and started borrowing. He built an incredible debt in a short time. When he took the government, he accounted for 38% of GDP, he is now 100%. But we are at a point where we can change. The first thing to do is to generate new consumption for the economy to work again. The second is to help exports grow because we need money"He added.


"We will put an end to tax policy. I propose to sit at the table, with the industrialists, the campaigns, those who work and with the state, and together we design the country we want to build, "he said. "The president hurt us a lot and putting Argentina on the ground needs everybody's effort," he concluded.


"I do not want to avoid the subject Venezuela because everyone knows what I think, "said former chief of staff Néstor Kichner. Venezuela has problems, the Venezuelans who are in this country have more and more those who had to emigrate, "he added.

"But unlike the president, I want the Venezuelans to solve their problems, I do not want to intervene in Venezuela. The president has to say it: they prepare the rupture of the relations to be able to intervene. I hope, President, that no Argentine soldier will end up on Venezuelan lands"he said.


"I will not escape the question of abortion, everyone knows what I think," said Alberto Fernández at the beginning of the text. "In Argentina, abortions happen and continue to punish them, they criminalize their behavior and make everything clandestine."

"We must strive for legalization because it is so that we will give poor women the opportunity to practice abortions in aseptic conditions, as in large sanatoriums. I ask you to put an end to hypocrisy", He said.


As for the Education and Health, Fernandez He said: "I will pay special attention to education because there is a future, just like science and technology. We live in a time when the best societies are those who develop knowledge and for that we must give each one opportunities."

He also questioned the policy of change in the area of ​​health, on which he pointed out that in recent years, "diseases that were lacking" appeared again and he spoke directly to Macri: "Let's talk seriously, President. If you are concerned about health, the budget has dropped by 23%, you do not understand it because your interests are different, that's why. For loan sharks, for the health of the people, nothing. "

Finally, Fernández concluded by referring to the cyclical crises that prevent Argentina from escaping. "Once again, they took us into debt, closed businesses again, left people out of work and pushed the middle class into poverty. That's what they do whenever they come to power. and after They want us to believe that we, the Argentineans, we crush every 10 years against the same stone, but the stone, they are.. We, the Argentineans, have fallen several times and stumbled with this stone, but it is time that it does not happen to us anymore and I am sure that together we can change Argentina and set it up. It's our commitment, give everyone a job and return to a productive Argentina. I know I'm counting on you, count on me, "concluded Fernandez.


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