Google Maps: walks the road and meets a reckless young man who risks his life in the most unusual way | Pictures | Google Street View | Google Earth | Russia | Yelizovo | tourism | social networks | Social networks


The images provoke the indignation of thousands of users. A recent Web publication revealed the incredible discovery made by a young man when he visited a Russian airport with Google Maps. The boy used the virtual navigation tool to visit this inhospitable place and found a reckless subject who was risking his life in the most rude way possible. The event did not go unnoticed and there was a trend in countries like Mexico, Spain and the United States. The reason? Here we tell you everything.

As revealed in a viral article on Facebook, a young man decided to use Google Maps to visit the airport of Yelizovo in Russia and had a huge surprise. And it is that a young cyclist has performed the most unusual act and endangered his physical integrity unexpectedly. What exactly did he do? Keep reading to be aware of everything.

YOU CAN SEE: Google Maps: he walks a paradise beach and falls on a woman "headless" whose appearance scares thousands of people [FOTOS]

Google Maps has become one of the most used tools for thousands of users because it allows virtual tours of different cities around the world. A young user was visiting a Russian city and he had a huge surprise.

The boy managed to find an unwise subject who put his life in danger in the most unusual way possible. The fact did not go unnoticed and generated all kinds of reactions in Facebook.

What did Google Maps capture? Well, it turns out that near the airport of Yelizovo It was possible to capture a young man who had his leg in a cast and despite that, he was riding a bicycle.

YOU CAN SEE: Google Maps: find the scale on which the joker danced and discover unusual details instead [FOTOS]

The irresponsible act has been captured by Google Maps cameras and has been totally blamed by thousands of users of Facebook, who did not hesitate to send a hard comment to this young daredevil who exposed his integrity with such a brutal act.

Do not you think so? At the top, we leave you the captures of this unusual act captured by Google Maps. Drag the photos to know everything.

YOU CAN SEE: Google Maps: Look for the "Chavo del 8" neighborhood and be disappointed to find out what it looks like today. [FOTOS]

Great Google Maps stuff

Believe it or not, Google Maps offers an unlimited number of tips that few users know, which will be very useful to you and make you want to your friends, family, colleagues, among others.

If you want to know all these secret tips and tricks to take advantage of Google Maps, do not hesitate to watch the following video of Youtube which brings together the hidden methods of the application developed by the technology giant.

YOU CAN SEE: Google Maps: browse the beach and go to the obscene act, zoom in and discover the truth [FOTOS]

It was the road of the Google Maps car in Peru

Very few people know that, but the Google Maps car traveled the streets of Lima several years ago in order to take 360-degree photographs that are used to allow any user to perform a virtual tour in our country.

The following video, which has thousands of views on Youtube, shows us all the details of the visit of the Google Maps car in Peru. We can also see how this vehicle traveled several streets of Lima and the reactions it provoked.

YOU CAN SEE: Google Maps: meet a daring man who was on the precipice, zoom in and discover an unusual truth [FOTOS]

Other Google Maps tips you probably do not know

Google Maps has so many secrets that Youtuber He decided to gather a good part of it in a video and his work quickly became a trend in social networks, where thousands of people praised him for his selfless work.

Audiovisual material, which contains thousands of reproductions Youtube, It presents tips little known Google Maps and if you want to become an expert of this application, do not hesitate to watch the following video in fashion.

YOU CAN SEE: Google Maps: Strikes a strange vehicle, zooms in and finds a girl who has had a moment of intimacy [FOTOS]

How to use Google Maps without the Internet?

Although they are very popular, many people still do not know how to use Google Maps correctly or the secret tips of this application. One of them will allow you to use it without having to connect to the Internet.

The following viral video published in Youtube It tells you how to use Google Maps on your mobile phone, even if you're not connected to the Internet, a secret trick that very few people know.


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