2019 Presidential Debate | Pichetto: "Macri took a look at the state man, while I saw Fernandez aggressive and arrogant"


A few hours after the historic presidential debate in Santa Fe, the first established by law, Miguel Ángel Pichetto gave Mauricio Macri the "winner" of the event. "The President gave the image of a serene man with a the look of the statesman ", pointed out the vice-presidential candidate for Together for Change, who spoke out against Alberto Fernández. "To the candidate of Frente de Todos I saw it aggressive and arrogant, " said the senator. He also recalled that Fernández's partner, Cristina Kirchner, She was the only candidate not to attend the debate. "Nobody says anything about it: no one questions or questions it," he complained.

Pichetto's expressions are in line with the satisfaction of the government for the development of the debate, as advanced TN.com.ar. Secretary General PRO Francisco Quintana He stated that Fernández's "aggression" against Macri would have an adverse effect on the electorate and questioned him about the president's "firmness" in the face of candidate K.'s attacks. The ruling party said the president regarded him as "a man of state, cautious, solid, respectful."

Pichetto said the debate "was very rigid, with very little flexibility" but that there was "a winner" who, according to him, was Macri, whom he saw "very solid". On the other hand, he accused Fernandez, stating that he was "very aggressive and arrogant" and that he had come into conflict with the place that showed him as a moderate candidate. "In some sections, I noticed that it was extremely difficult," he said in dialogue with Tab radio.

According to Pichetto, "the president It was quite reasonable because it could have been very difficult "with the formula of the Frente de Todos, which does not condemn the chavist regime in Venezuela." Macri could have said that Cristina Kirchner meet again Raúl Castro and Nicolás Maduro or that we can break Mercosur with Brazil, "he said.

Strongly criticized by the Venezuelan regime, he said that Fernández could not criticize Chavismo for the links his partner had with the Bolivarian model. "You can not say that in Venezuela there is an atrocious dictatorship, because the "lady" keeps talking to Maduro and Castro, "he said.

He confirmed that Argentina would remain in the Lima group, calling for free elections in Venezuela, and warned of the consequences of maintaining relations with that country. "In today's world, the consequences of stupid acts, such as maintaining bonds with this dictatorship of drug traffickers and Cubans who occupy the secret police and who work and virtually dominate the repressive scenario of Venezuela, you pay with the insulation ", he warned.

Confident to enter the ballot

Less than two weeks before the general elections, he was confident that they would reduce the gap with Fernández in relation to the primary elections and that they would enter the vote. "The president came out and met the people, that he wants it and that it comes spontaneously, without groups or choripanes, "he said.

He said that instead, the presidential candidate of the Frente de Todos "is on the canvas of the internal scene" and that his campaign "has an old aesthetic, in meetings with the CGT, the CTA and the PJ. "It seems to me that this delays the distance of people," he said.


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