Marches, rising tensions and canceled flights in Barcelona – Viva radio


The city of Catalonia faced Tuesday another day of mobilizations, some with incidents, after the condemnation of the leaders of the failed secession process of 2017.

The day began with cuts to roads and tracks, in anticipation of the democratic citizens' platform of the tsunami to announce its next non-violent civil disobedience action.

One of the most important events was held at Prat airport, where thousands of protesters blocked access and more than 100 flights had to be canceled, according to the newspaper. L & # 39; vanguard.

There were moments of high tension after Protestants launched fire extinguishers, luggage racks, wooden pallets and other objects against police officers.

On the other hand, high school students began to mobilize from noon in Spanish by walking the streets of downtown Barcelona and borrowing study centers.

The Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and Òmniun Cultural have called a "sitting with candles" in front of the Spanish central government delegations in Catalonia.

Applications to the terminal have left injured, including a 22-year-old boy who lost an eye as a result of the impact of a rubber bullet from the police, which would be banned in Catalonia .

Added to this is another injured 30-year-old man with a testicular lesion.

Quim Torra, Catalan president, encouraged citizens to protest against the judgment and said that his government's "commitment" is to "defend the rights of those who manifest themselves and also security."

In demonstrations, protesters carry anti-fascist symbols and flags of independence, as well as slogans such as "the streets will always be ours" and "October 1, do not forget or forgive".

Meanwhile, Barcelona de Messi suspended the institutional events planned this week before the social and political crisis that Catalonia is currently going through.

Adrián Cragnolini report.


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