Who is Argentina among the 100 outstanding women of the BBC


The British BBC television channel released a report Wednesday, listing the 100 most inspiring and influential women in the world for 2019, one of them being Argentina.

It's the feminist Dr. Mabel Bianco who has dedicated four decades to putting women's health, reproductive rights, abortion and HIV / AIDS on the public policy agenda in Argentina.

According to the BBC website, Bianco "has policies in place to save women's lives, from breast cancer control to violence against women, and has pioneered sexual education against Roman Catholic conservatism ".

MABEL BIANCO. She is one of the 100 most influential women in the world, according to the BBC (BBC Screen Capture).

This year marks 30 years of presidency of the Foundation for Studies and Research on Women (Feim), which defends the rights of women in Latin America and worldwide.

"I want a near future without women dying needlessly, I hope we can reach a point where women around the world will be able to freely decide their lives, their bodies and if they are mothers or not without risk death, and live without genre violence, "said British media.

MABEL BIANCO. The doctor was highlighted by the BBC (Gentleness Clarin).


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