One by one: the circle of leaders that surrounds Alberto Fernández and could form his government


The result of STEP to put to Alberto Fernandez in a privileged position to become president since December 10. Of course, general elections are missing. But all polls place it as a favorite.

In this way, we speculate with a possible "enlarged" cabinet. To draw a line on how this team could be armed, it's interesting to probe the inner circle and surround Fernandez and his allies. The communication consultant Llorente and Cuenca performed an analysis of the "constellation" of leaders surrounding Alberto Fernandez in each management area.

Santiago Cafiero

He is a political scientist. Grandson of the Peronist historical leader, Antonio Cafiero. Meet Fernandez in the senator's campaign of Florencio Randazzo, his link was the mayor of San Martín: Gabriel Katopodis. He knows political movements and has links with "traditional" Peronism. Campaign Campaign Director Alberto Fernandez.

Juan Manzur

Governor re-elected by Tucumán. The former governor has been seen imposing Joseph Alperovich. He is a doctor and has worked as Minister of Health of the Nation while Kirchnerism. It will maintain a good dialogue and links with all governors. He said that he would not accept the position of Chief of Staffsince the people of Tucuman elected him governor.

Natalia of Sota

Daughter of José Manuel de la Sota. He accompanied Juan Schiaretti provincial campaign 2019. He also joined the Alberto Fernandez and serves as a link between the governor of Cordoba and the presidential candidate. She was elected provincial legislator.

Juan Courel

Communication Campaign Manager Alberto FernandezBefore that, I worked with Felipe Solá. He coordinated the speech and the publication in the press of the candidates of the FdT. He served as secretary of Public Communication by Daniel Scioliwhen he was governor. He also collaborated in the election campaign of Scioli in 2015. I would be in charge of public communication.

Juan Pablo Biondi

Press Officer of the campaign Alberto Fernandez. Worked with him Minister of Security of Buenos Airesthe sciolist Grenades. He would be responsible for the media and guidelines.

Marcela Losardo

Lawyer and trusted person of Alberto Fernandez. He accompanied him as an advisor in most of his functions, that is to say Superintendency of the insurance, the Legislative Assembly of Buenos Aires and the Cabinet Office. She was secretary of Justice. They describe her as the "judicial" operator of Alberto Fernandez. Could play like Legal and technical secretary.

Nicolas Trotta

Lawyer. He is rector of UMET. He worked in the under-secretary of Management Technologies (2004-2009) and served as legislative counsel. In the Before everyone He is responsible for coordinating the 25 technical and political teams.

Economic zone

Matías Kulfas

Economist with a strong SME profile, he served as Deputy Secretary of the SMEs and regional development for the duration of Nestor Kirchner. Lead the consultant Currency Development.

William Nielsen

Economist. He was secretary of Finance between 2002-2005. With Roberto Lavanga they realized the restructuring of the external debt. He has knowledge and expertise. He had unfortunate comments for Axel Kicillof (protected from CFK) and was defined as "liberal", an acidic stance for Kirchnerists.

Cecilia Todesca

Economist and researcher. Integrate the Callao Group. She served as chief of BCRA cabinet with Bridge brand. With Nielsen, accompanied Alberto Fernandez at all meetings with representatives of MFIs.

Arnaldo Bocco

He served as president of the BICE and director of Banks of the city of Buenos Aires and the center.

Emmanuel Álvarez Agis

Bachelor and Master in Economics. He is one of the spokespersons of the campaign of Alberto Fernandez. He was Deputy Minister of the Economy when managing Axel Kicillof, it has a close relationship with the economic team of the Kirchnerism.

Claudio Moroni

He held FOLLOW BEFORE (2007-2008) and AFIP (2008). Reply fully to Alberto Fernandez. In the 90's he worked with him in the Superintendency of National Insurance.

Miguel Pesce

Economist. He is currently chief of the Bank of the Land of Fire Directory. He has fulfilled several functions: Vice President of BCRAGeneral Administrator of the Nation, Minister of Economy, Production and the Environment of Santiago del Estero, Secretary of Finance and Finance of the City of Buenos Airesetc.

Productive sector

Martin Redrado

Economist with Master in Public Administration. Former President of the BCRA. Advisor Front Renovator since 2014. own Alberto Fernandez he's named relevant actor within his office. A tense relationship with K Wing is expected due to controversy surrounding his departure from BCRA in 2010.

Ignacio "Vasco" of Mendiguren

He was president of Argentine Industrial Union and served as Minister of Production during the government of Eduardo Duhalde. Because of his experience, he is in favor of relations with major manufacturers. Be part of Front Renovator in the Chamber of Deputies.

Gabriel Katopodis

He was a public servant Ministry of Social Development of the Nation during the government of Nestor Kirchner. In 2013, he leaves the FPV and go to EN. Mayor of San Martin. It manages one of the municipalities of the suburbs of Buenos Aires that stands out for its industrial and productive fabric.

Fernando Peirano

Economist with development profile. He was assistant secretary of Scientific policies, Technology and Productive Innovation during the last government of CFK. He currently advises professional associations UIA and ADIMRA

Sergio Woyecheszen

Economist. He was assistant secretary of Buenos Aires Industry, Trade and Mines (2011-2015). He is now the Deputy Minister's advisor Agustin Rossi and is married to his daughter, the economist Delfina Rossi. In addition, he is a professor of university

Matías Lammens

He is a lawyer and has studied Political science in Cuba. He owns a wine and non-alcoholic beverage company. He is president of San Lorenzo de Almagro Sports Club since 2013, accompanied by Marcelo Tinelli. He is a candidate for Head of Government porteño by the Before everyone.


Carlos caught

He was Minister of Labor during the whole period Kirchner (2003-2015) and is currently legislator in Buenos Aires. Although he is not likely to be in charge of ministry, leads the work team that evaluates how to rebuild the portfolio. Similarly, he is already schematizing a plan of action that translates as "13 points to improve work in Argentina"

Julian Dominguez

He was Mayor of Chacabuco (1995-1999), MPP (elected in 1999, 2003, 2007), Minister of Works of the Province of Buenos Aires (1999-2002), Deputy Chief of Staff Eduardo Duhaldeminister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation (2009-2011), national deputy and president of the Chamber of Deputies (2011-2015). He was a candidate for governor of Buenos Aires in 2015, he lost the detainees against Aníbal Fernández. He has a good relationship with the Catholic Church and, by rebound, with some neighborhood social organizations. Your profile resonates to lead the portfolio.


Hector Daer

Secretary General of General Confederation of Labor. It belongs to the Federation of Health Workers Associations in Argentina (FATSA).

Victor Santa Maria

Trade Unionist, Secretary General of Argentine Federation of Horizontal and Income Workers, president of the PJ of Buenos Aires. He is one of the creators of the UMET. He is the CEO of Group of October, who manage Page/12, Faces and masks and various radios.

Sergio Omar Palazzo

Secretary General of Banking Association. Radical roots.


Jorge Neme

Was coordinator Provincial Agricultural Services Program Framework (PROSAP) and Unit for Rural Change (UCAR) of Department of Agribusiness Nation from 2002 to 2016. Secretary for International Relations of the Province of Tucumán. It is operational in the province of Tucumán, knowing the regional economies and having good relations with Juan Manzur.

Gabriel Delgado

Doctor in Finances, specialised in Rural Finance, and allowed in Agricultural economy. Between 2013 and 2015, he was secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation. He is currently working in the INTA.

Luis Basterra

He has extensive experience in agricultural business management and knowledge, since he is an agronomist. National Deputy Missions, is the referent of the theme of Agriculture and breeding in the lower house. Answer to Gildo Insfrán, governor of Formosaño. Although open to dialogue, he is generally firm in his positions (which often contradicts the interests of companies)

Carlos Cheppi

It's an agronomist. Between 2003 and 2008, he was president of the INTAand then served as Secretary for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (2008-2009) and ambassador plenipotentiary to the agricultural affairs of the Argentine nation (2009-2011). He was ambassador to Venezuela during the last period of government of CFK.

Javier of Urquiza

He was a counselor for INTA where he met Nestor Kirchner, who appointed him head of Provincial Agrarian Councilposition he held until 1998. On February 13, 2007, he assumed the duties of Ministry of Agriculture, resigned after the non-approval of 125, in July 2008. He is currently responsible for Provincial Agrarian Council of Santa Cruz.


Graciana Peñafort

CFK Lawyer. It was official of AFSCA, approved by Gabriel Mariotto. He was part of the group that wrote the Law on Audiovisual Communication Services. It belongs to the hard core of Kirchnerismtherefore, we expect from her a more confrontational attitude.

Martin Sabbatella

Boss of New meeting and former mayor of Moron. He was president of AFSCA enter 20122015. His departure was problematic and involved the use of the police force. It is therefore unlikely that he took over the management of a communications agency.

Leandro Santoro

Legislator of Buenos Aires (2017-2021), from radical roots, he was seen accompanying Alberto Fernandez in various meetings. He became one of the media spokespersons of the Before everyone.

Gustavo Lopez

This is a lawyer. From radical roots, in 2003 creates FORGING Accord (which integrates the FPV). He was the controller of CONFER (1999-2000), Minister of Culture of Hannibal Ibarra and from 2008 to 2015 he was Undersecretary of the presidency of the nation.

Nicolás Karavaski

He was sub-auditor of the National Convention of Communication. He was part of the AFSCA. Member of Field.

Norberto Berner

Lawyerkidney Field. He was secretary of Communications (2013-2015) and served in charge of the AFTIC in 2015. He was Inspector General of the IGJ and accused of abuse of power against the Clarín Group.

Political Relations and Planning

Eduardo "Wado" by Pedro

He was Secretary General of the Presidency in the last year of the government of CFK. Although part of the "little table" of Field, managed to become an interlocutor of the ruling party and accompanied Alberto Fernandez throughout his campaign. Please note that this would be a good link between the "albertisme" and the "christinism"

Florencio Randazzo

Chartered accountant It was part of Cabinet of Ministers of Felipe Solá, served as secretary of Modernization, Chief of Staff and minister of the government. In 2007 CFK appoint him responsible for Minister of the Interior, in 2011, he joined the field of Transportation. CFK dropped his thumb to run for president in 2015. In 2017, he ran as a national senator. Largely resisted by the Kirchnerists, its incorporation is doubtful. They could offer you the zone of Planning.

Maria Eugenia Bielsa

By profession this is architect. She was director of Public Housing Department of Rosario (1993-1995) and Deputy Governor (2003-2007). He lost the interns against Omar Perotti for the governance of Santa Fe. His name sounded at the head of the Ministry of Housing.

Miguel Cuberos

Centered on the territorial campaign, he worked with Beloved Budou and in the del17 campaign of Randazzo. He has good relations within the province of Buenos Aires.

Claudio Ferreño

He served as Undersecretary for Institutional Relations of Cabinet Office, when managing Alberto Fernandez. Porteño candidate to the legislator. He is a man of extreme confidence Alberto Fernandez.


Sergio Lanziani

Current Minister of Energy for Missions, asked the national government to return the royalties for the dam Yapeyu. He is close to Carlos Rovira, political leader of Concord Renewal Front. He would have been offered the Ministry of Energy.

Federico Bernal

Biochemist and biotechnologist. Director General of the Observatory of Energy, Technology and Infrastructure for Development (OETEC). Energy Advisor. It is approved by CFK. His name resonates with the country's energy policies, with a particular focus on hydrocarbons.

Diego Roger

Responsible for Sector development and technological networking at CIPIBIC Argentina. His name is not rated for a high-ranking position, but to serve as a technician and energy advisor.

Foreign Relations

Felipe Solá

Current National Member, Block Chair Network for Argentina. He was one of the actors who put more effort into justicialismo Present a list of units. His management experience is broad, he has been Secretary for Agriculture, Breeding and Fishing during Menemism. In 2002, before the resignation of Ruckauf, is in charge of the province of Buenos Aires. Renews the governorate in 2003. Although he has no training in international relations, Alberto Fernandez He joined his entourage for the Iberian Peninsula and for Peru and Bolivia.

Jorge Argüello

He was a permanent representative of the Argentina before the United Nations (2007-2011)ambassador to United States (2011-2013) and Ambassador to Portugal (2013-2015). advisable Alberto Fernandez during his tour of the Iberian Peninsula (first week of September).

Eduardo Valdés

Lawyer and diplomat. C & # 39; was an ambassador of Argentina to Holy See between 2014 and 2015. He was immersed in the campaign of Alberto Fernandez and has good relations with him dad Francisco.

Jorge Taiana

He was Minister of Foreign Affairs between 2005 and 2010. Is actually Parlasur legislator and, in case CFK win the elections you will enter the Senate. Although in 2010, his departure from the Foreign Ministry was surprising and full of rumors, CFK approached positions in 2017, when he proposed the second bank National Senator for PBA.

Guillermo Oliveri

He was Secretary of worship during the twelve years of Kirchnerism. Is actually Adviser for FPV-Citizen Unit in Baradero.


Leon Arslanián

Lawyer and former judge. He distinguished himself to form part of the court in the lawsuit before the military councils. He was Minister of Security of Buenos Aires during the governorates of Eduardo Duhalde and Felipe Solá. Extensive experience in public management.

María Laura Garrigós de Rébori

President of the legitimate justice. She is a counselor on legal issues in the Homeland Institute. He was a cameraman in Criminal Cassation of the city until 2018.

Alberto Iribarne

Former Minister of Justice during the government of Nestor Kirchner (2005-2007). It seems that in 2007 he fought with Alberto Fernandezwho would have asked to be appointed responsible for diplomatic relations with the Holy See, a function that was not assigned to him later. Continue to deal with Alberto Fernandez for many years since the two militated in the Pj Buenos Aires I could be in charge of the AFI.

Julio Vitobello

Directed on General Union of the Nation (SIGEN) and the Anti-corruption office during the Kirchner. Be part of Callao Group.

Martín Arias Duval

Basic Prosecutor Leon Arslanián, is part of your Study and accompanied him on duty in the Ministry of Security of Buenos Aires. His name sounds for Attorney General of the Nation.


Ginés González García

He was Minister of Health and the Environment of the Nation between 2002 and 2007. Then he served Ambassador of Argentina to Chileuntil 2015. Although the portfolio is unlikely to be run, it will be responsible for the formation of the working group.

Pablo Yedlin

He is a doctor by profession and a current national deputy of Tucumán, answer to Juan Manzur. Since 2003, he has worked in the public service, served as secretary of the Coordination of the Ministry of Public Health provincial, Minister of Public Health, Secretary General of the Interior. He has extensive experience in managing public health policy. Juan Manzur (wink at governors).

Lucia Corpacci

She is a surgeon and an infectiologist. Governor of Catamarca twice (2011-2015 and 2015-2019 still in operation). She is currently the first candidate for the national deputation of Catamarca, surely enter the Low room.

Luana Volnovich

Bachelor of Political Sciences, national deputy who seeks to renew his banking operations (he is second in the list of Buenos Aires). It has established itself as a benchmark for social security and House of Representatives.

Mirta Tundis

Journalist specializing in retirement. He served in the Pension fund since 1979 and went to the secretariat of social security in 1989. In 1990, he started working on PAMI and in the media. Answer to Sergio Massa. I could lead the PAMI.

Arnaldo Medina

Vice Chancellor of the National University Arturo Jauretche (UNAJ), candidate for the position of advisor Florencio Varela by the FdT. He was executive director of Florencio Varela Crossing Hospital.

Daniel Gollán

Health Minister in the last year of the government of CFK. He was prosecuted for irregularities and supplements in the Plan Qunita. His figure is very conditioned to old judicial cases.

Social development

Daniel Arroyo

Licensee in Political Sciences. Man of massism who followed Felipe Solá when he left the EN. He was Minister of Social Development Buenos Aires C is a technical team, has already planned public policies for this sector. Although he was trained in politics, negotiations with social movements could be difficult.

Fernando "Chino" Navarro

Boss of Evita Movement, broke ties with Kirchnerism as soon as the mandate of CFKand in 2017 he joined Florencio Randazzo. He shared several meetings with Alberto Fernandez.

Cecilia Gómez Miranda

Bachelor of Communication. She was director of Gender policies in PBAs (sciolism) and is part of the Office of the Ombudsman. I could be part of Ministry of Women's Equality.

Victoria Donda

Current national deputy. Depending on the results of the general elections, he could renew his position (although he was left out when negotiating the Buenos Aires lists). Given this "detriment" and his feminist activism, he could manage the portfolio of women's equality.

Juan Grabois

Lawyer. Social leader of the Confederation of Workers of the People's Economy (CTEP). It's an altered figure both in the FdT as on the outside, it generates friction and generally imposes the agenda itself. I could lead the Institute of Statistics of the People's Economy.

Federico Martelli

Between 2009 and 2014, he was director of Communication Network of the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation (management Alice Kirchner). He was a candidate for mayor of L & # 39; money. Youth reference in the Callao Group. It is intended to perform functions representing this group.

Culture, education and science

Daniel Filmus

Filmus has extensive experience in education.

Sociologist, former senator, former minister of Education, Science and Technology (2003-2007). He is currently a national deputy. Faithful man Kirchnerism, with extensive experience in public management of the Education.

Victoria Tolosa Paz

She is accountant and councilor in La Plata. He lost the interns because of the intention against Florence Saintout. She is married to the former secretary of The means of Kirchnerism, José Albistur. It belongs to Callao Group. His name sounds for the Ministry of Culture of the Nationalthough it may work in other areas.

Roberto Salvarezza

Biochemist and Principal Investigator at Conicet. He chaired this body between 2012 and 2015. In 2017, he joined the Chamber of Deputies. Member of Parliament Because of his profile, he could be minister of Science and technology or re-head the Conicet.

Gustavo Béliz

He was Minister of Justice, Security and Human Rights in the first year of the government of Nestor Kirchner. He exposed the figure of Antonio Stiuso on television cameras. It showcases your Strategic plan for the reform of the areas of Justice and Security (that he could not implement). He is currently working in the IDB and works in the fields of New Education (CYT). The same Alberto Fernandez He said that he wants to work with him again.

Ana Castellani

She is a sociologist and researcher of Conicet. Be part of Callao Group. I could occupy a hierarchical position in the field of Science and technology or Conicet.


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