Chronology of Brexit: the referendum to a possible divorce agreement


This caused the resignation of the Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron. In the fight to replace him, the former mayor of London Boris JohnsonBrexit supporter, retired at the last moment and the Minister of the Interior Theresa May became prime minister 11 July.

he March 29, 2017 the British government has activated with a letter in Brussels Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union governing the voluntary withdrawal of a member country.

Thus began the two-year term which should lead to the British exit on March 29, 2019.

May has advanced the elections to June 8 to try to strengthen his position, but he lost the absolute majority and had to negotiate the support of the 10 deputies of the Norwegian Unionist Party DUP to be able to govern.

The Irish question has become the main stumbling block in the negotiations: London and Brussels want the border between Ireland and the British province of Northern Ireland to remain open, but this is not a good fit with the Opposition from DUP to the different treatment of Norwegians To the rest of the British.

After agreeing to certain conditions of divorce after the marathon negotiations, the December 8, 2017, London and Brussels failed to reach full agreement before November 13, 2018.

This had to overcome Spain's threat of veto at the last minute with regard to relations with Gibraltar, but in the end November 25 The United Kingdom and the 27 have signed the withdrawal treaty and a political declaration on their future relations.

The House of Commons should vote both texts on December 11. But given evidence that he was heading for a failure, May announced one day before postponing the session and would ask for more "guarantees" to the EU.

On January 15, in the absence of substantial modifications, the agreement was rejected with force: 432 deputies voted against and only 202 in favor.

Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn tabled a motion of no confidence against the government, which failed the next day with a narrow majority.

May had more EU guarantees on the Irish bailout, but the British Parliament again rejected the 12th of March this "improved version" of the agreement.

The European Council decided to postpone the postponement until May 22 If the United Kingdom approved the Withdrawal Treaty, leave it until April 12 present an alternative proposal.

he March 27While Parliament was discussing alternatives to the May agreement, it reunited its MPs and promised to resign upon approval of the text. However, two days later, the text was rejected by 344 votes to 286.

he April 11 May got a "flexible" carry from the EU: until 31 October, but with the possibility of leaving before the bloc if London finds a solution.

he July 23Boris Johnson, a Brexit supporter with or without an agreement on Oct. 31, is elected by the Conservative Party to succeed May, who announced his resignation on June 7.

he August 28, the new Prime Minister announces the suspension of Parliament from the second week of September and until October 14, two weeks before Brexit.

Opponents of Brexit without agreement accused it of wanting to marginalize and organize them in an attempt to legislate urgently.

he September 3rdBoris Johnson loses the absolute majority after defections and expulsions of deputies of his party. Several members of his government are leaving him.

he 9, Queen Elizabeth II approves a law obliging the Prime Minister to ask the EU to defer Brexit if it does not obtain a withdrawal agreement before October 19th.

he 10the parliament is suspended. Boris Johnson said he would not ask for a "new postponement" and that he would seek an agreement for the EU summit in Brussels on 17 and 18 October.

he 24, the British Supreme Court unanimously ruled the suspension of the parliament described as illegal, which meets the next day.

he October 10in a joint statement, Boris Johnson and his Irish counterpart, Leo Varadkar, claim to have glimpsed "a way" to reach a compromise on the key issue of the Irish border.

he 17before the opening of the EU summit, the EU and the United Kingdom announce that they have concluded a new agreement on divorce, which has yet to be adopted by the European Parliament and the European Parliament.

Almost immediately, the British Labor opposition called for the rejection of the text, which is also opposed by the Norwegian DUP.


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