Mystery in Tasmania: an animal that was thought extinct has been seen 8 times in the last three years


It was believed that the Tasmanian tiger had extinct 80 years ago. But lately, eight observations interviewed this theory, according to what the Australian government has reported.

According to the official document issued by the Tasks Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, they saw eight times in the last three years to copies of this species in different places in the Australian state.

A couple who was on vacation in Western Australia and visited Tasmania in February observed one of these creatures cross the street on the road they were traveling. "The animal came back, looked at the car several times, for 15 seconds, and people are sure they saw one," the report said.

The most special feature of the Tasmanian tiger is that it has a bag to carry its cubs. (Photo: AFP / TORSTEN BLACKWOOD)
The most special feature of the Tasmanian tiger is that it has a bag to carry its cubs. (Photo: AFP / TORSTEN BLACKWOOD)

The report cites other cases. As in 2017, another pilot observed a feline silhouette. "It looked like a cat, but he was very tall," said the man. The same conclusion that a woman drew three months ago ran in with a similar animal. "I have never seen anything so similar to the Tasmanian tiger," he said.

In 1936, the last Tasmanian tiger was dead

Australian wildlife experts believe carnivorous striped marsupials It was extinguished in 1936When the last is recorded in the Hobart Zoo is dead He called Benjamin.

It was believed that the Tasmanian tiger had been extinct since 1936. (Photo: AFP / TORSTEN BLACKWOOD)
It was believed that the Tasmanian tiger had been extinct since 1936. (Photo: AFP / TORSTEN BLACKWOOD)

he thylacinus cynocephalus it has a similar texture to a big cat, mixed with a fox and a wolf. His fur is yellowish, he has a strong jaw and one of his most special characteristics is that he has a bag to carry his baby, just like the kangaroos.

In the nineteenth century, European settlers came to this region they killed thousands of these animals because they attacked the sheep. But what has sentenced the species, according to a magazine study Journal of Biogreography of 2017, it was climate change caused by the El Niño current.


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