Susana Giménez prepares to walk by Mauricio Macri


Faced with "the march of the million" and eight days after the elections, Susana Gimenez He spoke in favor of the Change for Change campaign, led by Mauricio MacriAnd shared on the network the announcement of the event to be held next Saturday at the Obelisk.

Through her Instagram stories, the host shared a photo where she invited her followers to attend the demonstration for the national government It will take place on Saturday 19 at 17h at the obelisk.

"The walk of 'Yes, you can'. One month, thirty cities. 10/19 Obelisk Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. 17:00 ", reads in the picture posted by the diva phones, demonstrating their support for Macri's management.

In July, despite being distressed by "how bad people are", Expressed its concern over the economic crisis and criticized the executive power, Susana supported the management of CambiemosHe added that Macri would be re-elected and spoke against the Fernández-Fernández formula.

«Before Peronism, I prefer anything, we must try everything. Macri support for re-election, for now yes. I do not know what they will present or say, I always support him and because I thought it was the best for Argentina, of course which is better than we had before, but I do not want people to pay a price for everything others have done. "said the diva last March.

"I still believe in him, but I do not want there to be an increase, not because of me, but because of people. Like us, they kill us with taxes, no more than in Norway, there are taxes like that, but I do not want them to increase more for people already sick"He sentenced.

With this march, which initially took place between activists and friends, the ruling party seeks to replicate the mobilizations that the president has successfully organized in different cities of Argentina.


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