Italy: 12 bodies of migrants have been found in Italy


The Italian coastguard found this week the remains of a ship carrying migrants and shipwrecked on October 7 before reaching the coast of Lampedusa. The boat was carrying 50 people on board, only 22 of whom were saved alive. Among the remains of the wooden boat, found 60 meters deep, Twelve bodies were found, including the body of a woman who is hugging her baby.

The images of the bodies at the bottom of the sea are shocking. They were caught by Coast Guard divers when they visited the wreck. The body image of a woman hugging a baby was not broadcast but confirmed by the authorities.

"Seeing this little body thrown in the background next to what was probably his mother was a punch in the heart," said Rodolfo Raiteri, head of the divers team, in an interview with La República.

For Raiteri, the fact that the bodies "remained so united" suggests that the woman tried to hold the baby until the last moment. "You are never prepared for something so strong," lamented the chief of the operation.

The rest of the images show the daily drama of rescuers working in the Mediterranean. Body, clothing and remains of precarious floating boats intermingle.

According to the officials, the diving teams of the Guard will continue to work on the boat to bring all the victims to the surface.

From the NGO Open Arms
They denounced on Twitter that migrants "were looking for a Europe in peace and the bottom of the sea caught them". "Damn the executioners, I hope I will not let them sleep," they say.


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