The harsh story of the baby who was born "faceless" because of the negligence of the doctor


A baby was born ten days ago in Portugal with no eyes, no nose and no part of the skull, in what has become one of the biggest medical malpractice scandals in this country transcending the fact that the doctor who has been following the pregnancy has not detected the malformations. He also practiced his profession despite four open disciplinary proceedings.

The case of Rodrigo, "the faceless baby", as well as he was baptized by the Portuguese media, was unearthed yesterday and is already in the hands of the prosecutor, who indicated that he intervened as a result "of a complaint filed by the mother".

As they report in the newspaper "Correio da Manhã", the parents were treated during pregnancy by an obstetrician from a private clinic that performed up to three ultrasound scans without any of the following. 39 between them do not perceive malformations in the fetus.

Rodrigo's parents ordered a 5G ultrasound scan at another clinic, where they were informed that the pregnancy was not going well. The parents took the new report to the obstetric clinic of their private clinic, which rejected it and assured the parents that it was no problem.

The baby arrived in the world on October 7th at São Bernardo Hospital in Setúbal, south of Lisbon. Rodrigo was born without eyes or nose and without part of his skull. The doctors gave him a life expectancy that the little boy has already overcome.

The case became viral and already constitutes a national scandal when it was discovered that the doctor was already under investigation for four other open disciplinary proceedings, the nature of which was n & # 39; 39, was not disclosed to the Portuguese Medical College.


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