Do not believe! Yankee dog gives birth to green puppies | Chronic


A neighbor from the town of Cañon in Colorado, USA, helped to give birth to her Grand Danish, but when the last puppy was born, the woman noticed a special feature: her fur was green.

Caddy Williams, the owner of the dogs, first thought that the puppy's hair was black, then acknowledged his curiosity. "It was dark, so I finally took the flashlight out of my phone and it was green!", He described the KRDO portal."I like her, she's like a little clover", The woman celebrated.

The new "cloverleaf puppy" was named in honor of the color of his hair: Verdant, Caddy counted.

The green in the fur is a result of a phenomenon that occurs in light-colored dogs when they are in contact with biliverdin, a green pigment of canine bile, according to CNN. This pigment is the same, for example, as the spots on the tone.

Verdant will not remain this color for the rest of his life, but will disappear over the weeks and will have a coat similar to that of his species, such as Scooby Doo. Green makes it even softer, look.


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