Macri: "Do not succumb to the promises in the air of those who have let us down so many times"


Mauricio Macri directed this afternoon the so-called "million march" in the obelisk Buenos Aires The president harangued his supporters, who took control of all downtown Buenos Aires, and asked them "not to fall for the promises in the air of those who have it. so often dropped. "

"Thanks Argentina! It's amazing to see you! Look how much they are!", That's the first thing Macri said when he started his speech after 18:30, after approaching the scene by walking among the people. "You created the march" Yes, you can "on August 24, when you came out to tell me that I was not alone," he said.

In this line, he made a call: "We will continue to face problems, but we will not be able to solve them by returning to the same problems as in the past. Let's not fall into mirages, into the same empty promises of those who abandon us so often with the same frustrations as ever, with the abuses we no longer wantforbidden privileges with lies and patotas, do not fall again. "

Accompanied by his vice-candidate, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, and Juliana Awada, Macri added, "Do not let the difficulties make us doubt what we are doing, but let our most sacred dreams come."

And he added:We are here to say that we will not be silent when we see how the future is stolen.. We will not remain silent longer than we think differently. We live it already many times, with the fingers, with the lectern, with the canchereadas, with arrogance ".

The president also repeated his call to vote. "The next election must be the most popular since 1983, in which Raúl Alfonsín prevailed and determined the return of democracy, "he asked.

"We are here to say that we will not be silent when we see how they rob us of the future. We will not remain silent longer than we think differently. We live it already many times, with the fingers, with the lectern, with the canchereadas, with arrogance ".

Macri also repeated a fate of collective self-criticism alongside the crowd that accompanied him.

"We must recognize that We are a majority who often watched the silence, sometimes even with fear, believing that politics should be considered from afar, and that it was better not to enter it because it would never change. And Without realizing it, we were giving up space, leaving the country in the hands of a few who thought they owned the state and the public.who went for everything and even for our freedom, "he said.

But then he said, "Fortunately, we woke up, we got together, we raised our voices and we said enough. This is how revolutions are formed, with small rebellions of people coming together".

He added: "It is the peaceful rebellion of the people and we do not want violence, but we do not want to be worn on many occasions".

Turn the election

"We are living a historic week that will end next Sunday and we will travel with joy," said Macri, harangued: "On October 27, all together we will be running the elections."

The president recalled that next Sunday was "the real election". He then thanked all those who marched around the world and asked them to convince those who are undecided.

"The cat has seven lives, but with Pichetto next door, I have eight" he alluded to his formula partner. Then he thanked his wife (who was with him on stage) for accompanying him these years. "You have to turn all that energy into action," he concluded.

The most abundant

The call, which was launched by the president himself from his social networks, It was the most massive of the 30 steps of # SíSePuede, Together for Change is taking action across the country to turn the tide defeat of the STEP.

Although this is the most important, it is not the official closing of the official campaign scheduled for next Thursday in Cordoba.

Mobilization has been reproduced in several cities in the rest of the country and even abroad, since demonstrations were organized in favor of Macri in Asunción, Montevideo, Mexico, Barcelona, ​​Tenerife, London, Montreal and Miami, among others.

The act began at 5 pm in a box of 9 de Julio Avenue with a few words from the chief of staff, Marcos Peñathanked those present. Beside him were Hernán Lombardi, responsible for the federal content and public content system, and Fernando de Andreis, Secretary General of the Presidency.


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