Live: demonstrations and cacerolazos returned to Chile


At the moment, incidents are recorded on Plaza Italia. Police forces disperse protesters in the capital's emblematic area with tear gas.

The clashes, meanwhile, continue in several parts of the country despite the state of emergency and the presence of armed forces in the streets.

The Chilean government announced last night that three riots had died in the flames during the riots, more than 200 people were injured in Santiago and nearly 870 were arrested, the vast majority also in the capital.

All this after the curfew and the state of emergency President Sebastián Piñera has put an end to the wave of protests against the increase of the metro ticket.

Congress plans to meet today in the afternoon. However, some lawmakers have warned on social networks that they could not arrive because many flights are still suspended and that the service at Santiago Airport is slowly reactivated.

Iturriaga, meanwhile, reported thatRunning, the day will decide if the curfew is imposed again tonight.



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