Peaceful protests in Catalonia on the seventh day of demonstrations of secessionist secessionists | Chronic


Thousands of people demonstrated peacefully Sunday in Barcelona and in other cities of Catalonia, during the seventh day of active mobilization – and the second in peace – to demand the release of leaders of the process of secession of 2017 sentenced to heavy prison terms. .

In addition, demonstrations took place in front of the police stations to protest against these people.
they remain detained because of the riots of these last days – 194 in all Catalonia -, of which 18 are already in custody by judicial decision.

Thousands of protesters were summoned again.

There were also multiple roadblocks. One of them, a 19-year-old man, was struck by a driver who escaped and had to be taken to hospital with a fracture.

After a week of serious unrest that has exacerbated tensions with the Spanish executive, the violence has stopped this weekend, highlighting the peaceful mobilizations against the heavy sentences of 9 to 13 years of imprisonment imposed by the Spanish Supreme Court leaders of the secession process failed.

An active event has developed.

In the afternoon, a thousand independents pressed a call to the movement "picnic for the republic" He proposed throwing garbage bags behind the police barriers that blocked the neighborhood of the central government delegation in Barcelona. Some of the bags wore pictures of politicians, such as the leader of the far right Santiago Abascal, the conservative Pablo Casado or Inés Arrimada, of Citizens, although they also frosted the Catalan president, Quim Torra.

The protesters then crossed the city center to go to the headquarters of the national police headquarters in Vía Laietana, one of the places where the tension tends to worsen.

The streets were flooded with new claims.

But, unlike in previous days, the protesters displayed a serene attitude and limited themselves to sitting or standing slogans. They spent several hours singing and shouting slogans like "the streets will always be ours", "Long live free Catalonia" or "Out of the occupation forces". Some were so relaxed that they even took out a guitar to sing and dance.

"Yesterday, four policemen were injured, Friday, the preventive cord is the other side of the currency of violent groups"said the head of the Catalan interior, Miquel Buch, positively enhancing the citizen initiative that has allowed the violence of recent days to decrease considerably.

Today, no rope was needed, the troublemakers having virtually disappeared.

As part of the weekend truce, the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, reiterated its request to the presidents of the Spanish and Catalan governments, the Socialist Party Pedro Sanchez and the secessionist Torra, who "Dialogue of responsibility, with empathy, respect and without maximalisms."

Torra visited the wounded – among them a very serious policeman – and also phoned Sánchez, but the president did not want to assist him, according to official sources quoted by the local press.


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