Chile bleeds: 10 dead after clashes and looting | Chronic


Two people died this Sunday when a crowd looted and then burned a supermarket of industrial products in Santiago de Chile, bringing to ten the number of victims of vandalism splashing the country as a result of the radicalization of the protest. Citizen against inequality.

With these victims, the mayor of the metropolitan area, Karla Rubila, counted 8 people died Sunday: five fruits of a fire in a clothing store in the town of Renca and another in a fire in a supermarket on Matucana Street, announced the agency EFE.

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Add to this the bodies of two burnt women who were found Saturday morning in a supermarket in the municipality of Santiago de San Bernardo that was ransacked and burned.

In addition, the Ministry of Health reported that at least 10 of the 200 wounded were hospitalized with a risk of death.

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Throughout this Sunday, new acts of violence have been repeated, with serious clashes with the army and security forces, looting, shootings and attacks, in a wave of violence that keeps a good part of Chile on alert.

The militarization of the country ordered by the president Sebastian Piñera, has increased in recent hours to try to control the violent excesses caused by clashes between protesters and security forces, in the wave of demonstrations unleashed by rising electricity and transport rates.

<img alt = "A firefighter passes a burnt supermarket after a demonstration in Valparaiso, Chile, October 20, 2019. – Chile Sunday, after two days of violent protests provoked by anger over the economic situation and social inequalities that have caused three deaths, after the blaze of a sand-blasted supermarket in the capital, Santiago. (Photo by JAVIER TORRES / AFP) "data-height =" 496 "data-size =" w: 2100, h: 1400 "data-width =" 745 "hspace =" 5 "src =" http: // www. "title =" A firefighter walks past a burnt supermarket after a demonstration in Valparaiso, Chile, October 20, 2019. – Chile Sunday, after two days of violent protests provoked by anger over the economic situation and social inequalities that have caused three deaths, after the blaze of a sand-blasted supermarket in the capital, Santiago. (Photo by JAVIER TORRES / AFP) "vspace =" 5 "/>

The curfew was applied for the second consecutive night Sunday night in the Chilean capital, which bans the movement of people between 19 and 6 am, announced the head of the security operation, General Javier Iturriaga.


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