Temporary control suspended in Bolivia – News


The Supreme Electoral Court confirmed that the provisional count of the elections had been suspended and could take up to 8 days.

In this way, he definitely froze the transmission of the preliminary election results in 83.7% of the verified reports in the voting centers, which corresponds to a second round between Evo Morales and Carlos Mesa.

According to the TREP data of this percentage of the examination, Mesa got 38.16% versus 45.28% of Morales.

Melisa Revollo, a journalist from Cochabamba, said Chain 3 that "the count would continue but the results would be unknown" and recalled that "in other elections, the update was made every 5 minutes".

This decision generated unease in the community of citizens, a strong demand from the OAS observation mission and a request from the opposition candidate for a citizen vigil organized by the citizens.

According to the opponent, the TSE already has 100% of the votes and the total figures would confirm the second round. He claims that the only thing that justifies not being published is an attempt by the Official Movement for Socialism (MAS) to adjust this data so that Evo can have the 10 points of difference with his rival that allow him to to be re-elected without a second round.

For her part, TSE President María Eugenia Choque justified her determination to suspend transmission up to 100% by invoking the principle of "confusion" with the start of official calculations in each of the nine regions. from Bolivia.

The Observer Mission of the Organization of American States (OAS) also asked the election body to justify its decision to stop the transmission of the count, considering that it is "fundamental" to "develop fluidly".

If these preliminary data are confirmed, no candidate will get the 50% needed to be declared winner in the first round, or 40 with 10 points ahead of the second, so the two most voted, Morales and Mesa, go to the secret ballot. December

The candidate of the Bolivian opposition alliance, Dice No, Senator Oscar Ortiz, fourth for the moment with 4.32%, announced that he would give the vote to Mesa to the second tower.

On the other hand, the third with 8.74% or Presbyterian pastor of Korean origin Chi Hyun Chung, Christian Democrat Party candidate, showed his willingness to speak with Mesa and ruled out that he do it with Morales.

The opposition Bolivian ran in the elections divided into eight candidates against Morales, who has led the country since 2006 and who has become the president with the longest term in power in the country's history.

The first indigenous president out of the polls in Bolivia had always won the majority in the first round.


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