The curfew in Chile is over: calm prevails | Chronic


At 7 am, while they were raising the curfew in Santiago, Concepción and Valparaíso, the deserted streets revealed the destruction left by the demonstrators who had defied the armed forces, a night of chaos and violence. and violence. Uncertainty and fear.

The initial outbreak of this crisis was the increase in the metro ticket. However, the suspension of this measure The protesters did not calm down and not only protested, but also openly challenged the curfew and state of emergency imposed by the government.

Gradually, public bus transport started this Sunday to resume operations in some of the country's main cities, such as Santiago and Valparaíso, although their number is below normal and alert in case of new acts. violence and repression.

Cities in a state of emergency – Santiago, Concepcion, Valparaiso, Rancagua, La Serena and Coquimbo – woke up with soldiers in the deserted streets.

Thus, Santiago woke up after curfew (courtesy Agencia UNO).

At Santiago Airport, much of the flights had to be canceled because many workers could not arrive due to lack of transportation. Hundreds of tourists and Chileans have been stranded this Sunday in expectation of definitions.

However, the mayor of the metropolitan area, Karla Rubilar, informed via his Twitter account that there were more than a thousand Transantiago groups in circulation and was optimistic about the complete resumption of service.

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Since 9 am, they have reopened the main border crossing between Argentina and Chile. "Paso Los Libertadores", which was closed during curfew.

The Chilean capital was born militarized (courtesy of Agencia UNO).

The metro of Valparaíso, the train that connects the entire metropolitan region of this region, has announced that it will not restart the service and the city's bus and metro services authorities have reported the same thing.

At 14, the government has an appointment with representatives of the judiciary to analyze the situation and, the next morning, the Minister of the Interior, Andrew Chadwickand the general Javier Iturriaga, designated Sebastian Piñera As a leader of the state of national emergency, they arrived at the Palacio de la Moneda to meet the president.

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In the statement that informed the curfew last Saturday, the first since 1987, the government said that "the validity of the standard will be evaluated periodically"So he's not sure he's repeating tonight.

The escalation of violence Saturday continued throughout the morning, despite the curfew and state of emergency declared in some parts of the country.

Cars on fire in Santiago (courtesy Agencia UNO).

After midnight, the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Chadwick, extended the curfew of Santiago to the towns of Valparaíso and Concepción. Then, the head of national defense appointed Piñera and extended the state of emergency to three other communes: Coquimbo and La Serena, in northern Chile. and Rancagua, in the center.

In addition, the Minister of Defense, Alberto EspinaHe told the press that this Sunday, they will deploy 1,500 additional military to reach nearly 9,500 fighters to patrol Santiago, Valparaiso and Concepción.

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At the same press conference, the mayor of the metropolitan area (Santiago and surrounding areas) indicated that three people died in the fire of a supermarket in the capital of San Bernardo.

"We do not know under what circumstances (…) we do not know if it was people who were corrupting public order or if they were working in that place, we need to more information. "said the official.

Another postcard of the Chilean capital (courtesy Agencia UNO)

Hundreds of people have been arrested overnight, although there are no official figures yet. Fires and looting have also been recorded in stores and supermarkets in Santiago, Valparaiso and Concepción, but also in other cities such as Antofagasta and Coquimbo, where the curfew has not yet been declared.

Riots have also occurred in Valdivia, Rancagua, Punta Arenas and many other cities in Chile, where the increase in price of the Santiago subway ticket is not the solution, it ignites the protests and discontent, as the protesters say.


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