There are already 15 dead among the demonstrations in Chile


The balance of death speak events that are registered in everything Chile mounted this early in the morning at 15 after the discovery of corpse of a man who dead electrocuted in the middle of looting in a downtown supermarket Santiago.

Police confirmed that he had found the body inside the local arriving in the area after receiving a call from d & # 39; emergency dissolve a peat that I was looting in full curfew in the trans-Andean capital.

According to this strength, the man I know hidden inside the supermarket when he saw the in uniform to control the situation and hidden in a warehouse behind a refrigerator who produced a electrical shock which caused his death, according to several local media.

Before midnight the Marine confirmed another deceased, in the town of Talcahuano, about 500 kilometers south of the capital, after being hit by a marine truck when the soldiers came to intervene in another looting. This situation has also occurred under the curfew It reigns in this city.

For this fact it was stopped A sailor. The prosecutor Ana Maria Aldana said that "there was in the area a important group people who have apparently committed subtraction of species some companies in the sector and in this context came the staff of Security", according to portal uniform will today be in detention control hearing.

This morningmeanwhile, the under-secretary of the interior, Rodrigo Ubillaconfirmed two dead more, which led to the total number of deaths at 15. The official said all deaths were associated with "fires and looting mainly in commerce".

This morning, the chief of the National Defense, Javier Iturriaga, he said that there was almost 1,000 inmates overnight. "We had a total of 932 inmates in all events criminal it happened overnight, "he said.

Santiago and all metropolitan area, to which belongs the capital, they were for the third consecutive night under curfew, extensive measure in the region of Valparaiso, the province of Designand the cities of Antofagasta, Serena, Coquimbo, Rancagua, Talca and Valdivia.

The groups radicalized violent a social protest due to the rising price of subway of Santiago as a trigger and that led to massive events which led to clashes with the police, barricades, fires and looting.

The President of Chile, Sebastian PiñeraHe said that the country is fighting "a war" against the violent and maintains in a state of emergency, totally or in some of its municipalities, 11 of the 16 regions of the country: the metropolitan area (where Santiago is), Tarapacá, Antofagasta, Coquimbo, Valparaiso, Maule, Concepción, Bío Bío, O & # Higgings, Magellan and Los Ríos.

At the last minute, mandatory reversed with the subway increase and convened all political parties to find a solution to the most serious social conflict that shakes Chile in decades


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