Pichetto: There is a Cuban tufillo in Argentina and elsewhere in Latin America


The vice-presidential candidate of the Front for Change, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, warned on Tuesday about the existence of a "Cuban tufillo in Argentina" and in other countries of the world. 39 Latin America where, he denounces, "organized destabilization processes"

The national and fellow Senator of Mauricio Macri warned that the events and social events taking place in Ecuador, Chile and now in Bolivia "lead us to think about a channel and an organized event".

"There is a Cuban tufillo in Argentina and in different regions of Latin America and organized destabilization processes," said Pichetto in a statement on Miter radio.

The referent of the ruling party felt that "there is a series of events that undoubtedly have an axis that is the destabilization of the countries of Latin America" ​​and he repeated: " It seems that there is a Venezuelan-Cuban interference. "

"The great political convulsions and social demands are perceived for different reasons and for different reasons. What happens in the Chiles is for a very small reason; however, this has resulted in major unrest, "he said.

The senator said that in Chile "there is a process of destabilization" and warned that "incite to think about a chain and an organized event".

"Yesterday, there was a meeting of the Minister of Security (Patricia Bullrich) very attentive to this issue as well as the Minister of Justice (Germán Garavano) and the Chief of Staff (Marcos Peña)", he concluded.

Pichetto seized the opportunity to reject the request of the presidential candidate of the All Front, Alberto Fernández, so that Macri "does not get angry" in the face of a possible electoral defeat and therefore does not allow the dollar to register a new leap since the elections on Sunday.

"He should also think about what he did in his day after the Paso, where he said that the $ 60 was good.We have to analyze what happened.Before August 11, we had a dollar of 45 pesos, a downside country risk and basically, inflation was down.After 11 am, the markets reacted negatively to the possibility of a possible triumph of (Alberto) Fernández – (Cristina) Fernández, "he said.


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