A government always ready to justify the repression …


In terms of justification of repression, the government makes no difference: it supports it in both Argentina and Chile. Security Minister Patricia Bullrich has pledged to advocate for the crackdown on the protest in front of the Chilean consulate and the one taking place in the neighboring country. He argued that there was an attempted coup d'etat, that the Chilean President Sebastián "Piñera is at war" and even doubted that the dead were due to repression. He also justified the fact of having arrested a lawyer from CELS (Tuesday, they released the detainees slowly
). In the cold war mode, Vice President Miguel Pichetto spoke of infiltrators from Cuba and Venezuela. The opposition has questioned the repressions and the government's position that does not condemn the dead in Chile.

As soon as the repression took place in front of the consulate of Chile, Bullrich blamed Kirchnerism and left. He then denied the existence of police infiltrators who had attacked journalists to allow the security forces to act. "The left always says the same thing: they go out into the street, they destroy everything and they say they are infiltrated.They are always small children, they are calm and infiltrators appear.To stop kissing! Go, we have fun to believe that in Argentina the minister pre-voted.When asked why they had arrested a lawyer from CELS, she replied: "And what was a CELS lawyer doing in the middle violence? Let's see … "

But Bullrich did not stop there. He's also dedicated to justifying repression in Chile and even killing people. "We have to see if these deaths were repression," he said, in a plan to challenge the role of the Chilean state. Then he contradicted himself by saying: "When there is a fire, a rebellion like that of Chile, there will be deaths. The attempt to destabilize democracies, the attempt to destroy democracy, the same thing happened in Ecuador, can not be compared to a regime that closes parliament, "he said. the fact that Piñera had been talking about a war. "Piñera is at war.How is it going if not? If half of a country is on fire.Chile acts within the framework of the law.The law by which they rebelled had been voted in Parliament, "he said. He insisted on the idea of ​​overthrowing: "In Chile, what is it – an attempt to overthrow this government." When law wins, does not it? Chilean state had to go out and put order, because this is not a social protest, but a quasi-terrorist insurgency We do not succeed!

He also took the opportunity to interview Michelle Bachelet, former President (and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights), for commenting on the subject: "Bachelet can not enter Chile because she was already president. There is a problem of incompatibility. She has specific interests, she wants her party to win. "Bullrich did not explain why she could talk about it, being an official from another country – where Mauricio Macri and Piñera are friends – and Bachellet, no – to all that, the former president. had made a call to pacify Chile.

Pichetto, who has long talked about Communists and Cuban influence as if the Berlin Wall had never fallen, was not far behind. "There is a set of facts related to one axis: the destabilization of Latin American countries, and it seems that there is an interference between Venezuela and Cuba. minimal mobility that has led to major unrest, and so has Ecuador: There is a process of destabilization, "said the Vice-President of Together for Change, who also spoke about the crackdown in Buenos Aires. Aires: "There is a Cuban tufillo in Argentina that is perceived in different parts of Latin America, there are organized processes of destabilization, we have to follow some of Cabello's and Maduro's speeches closely. a chained and organized event. "" We are facing a military dictatorship that is in partnership with Cuba and is advancing in destabilization processes in other Latin American countries, "said Pichetto, who He provided no evidence of what he said.

Curiously, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Faurie, did not differ much from Pichetto: he asserted that there is "a destructive desire with anarchic demonstrations". "In this Bolivarian break with which they speak in Venezuela, there is clearly an intention to intervene or to be present in the institutional, political and social life of our countries, like a Bolivarian hurricane …" A bolivarian hurricane will bring us a wind of hunger, poverty, lack of freedom and dictatorship, "said the chief of diplomatic relations of Argentina. "There are organized people, methods identified to act and generate situations of extreme violence and institutional chaos to destabilize political processes," he said without any evidence. Faurie has also attempted to link the repression in Argentina to what is happening in other countries, such as Chile, Bolivia or Ecuador: "July 9 is a kind of ground of war. training for this type of event, "he said. Regarding the elections in Bolivia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told this newspaper that it would wait until a final result before greeting the winner. And, of course, they will follow closely what the OAS and the United States do.


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