Massive march in Uruguay against the intervention of the army in public security


Between banners, flags, shouts and songs of thousands gathered in front of the law faculty of the University of the Republic, the event was intended to give one last popular encouragement to that the vote of the Si to the constitutional reform is not imposed at the polls.

The flags of Uruguay, different political parties – mainly from the Frente Amplio – and even the flags of the Peñarol and Nacional football teams gave color to the huge The walk extended for several blocks and resulted in a musical show.

The cry of no to reform occurs in the context of a complex regional situation, mainly because of the serious crisis that is raging in Chile. with demonstrations, a curfew and soldiers deployed throughout the country. There was flags of Ecuador, the Workers Party of Lula da Silva and songs of support to Chilean protesters.

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This plebiscite was organized by the National Opposition Party (PN) Senator, Jorge Larrañaga, and seeks the creation of a national guard with 2,000 military working with the police, allowing night raids, refusing the early release of prisoners guilty of certain crimes and the prison sentence of permanent imprisonment.

Daniela Buquet, one of the members of the collective No to the Reformation, He said the idea was to show "popular support" that the position of not generating a constitutional change is going to have.

"What we are saying is that this proposal is ineffective and will not fulfill its purpose of living without fear. We believe that this plebiscite will not come out, that people will realize that it is a very misleading proposal"he added.

The last poll on the voting intention of the consultant, the Factum plebiscite, shows that the 40% of voters say that "sure" will vote at the initiative, 44% for the refusal, while 16% have "doubts" about it.


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