Chile: complaint for torture against police officers …


Allegations of abuse by the army and the police during the state of emergency decreed by the Chilean President Sebastián Piñera have multiplied in social networks. While the fountain trucks continue to crack down in the streets of Santiago, the country's National Institute of Human Rights announced that the first complaint of torture filed by a young man detained at Baquedano metro station. In addition, the agency reported at least five deaths due to police and military actions.

The director of the agency, Sergio Micco, confirmed that an appeal in amparo was pending in the case of the young Nicolás Luer Santis, following testimonies of people claiming to have been deprived of liberty at the train station. Last night, the NHRI went to the scene with a judge and members of the investigative police in Chile to gather information on the charges.

The alleged victim's sister also reported what happened on her Instagram account. There he told the young man "The police tortured him". "We now see injuries, he is traumatized, the pacos have entered the subway of Baquedano by the exit of Bustamente in the subway,and they stuck with wet towels, they dislocated it, it's traumatized", He said while warning that the troops" hold people during the demonstrations, below ".

The agitation in the networks grew when the same account Carabineros announced at dawn that the agents were contributing to "cleaning up and removing the rubble from Plaza Baquedano, so that the community is normally moved to his place of work.

The political class also echoed the allegations of torture. Socialist Party leader Manuel Monsalve denounced the fact that "lIllegal detentions and torture occur in dictatorship, not in democracy. The President and the Minister of the Interior must be required to clarify these facts in front of the country and to guarantee to Chileans that the state of emergency does not imply a violation of human rights. 39; man. "

In addition, Monsalve said he would accept "with the opposition a commission to investigate these facts" and added that he would ask the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, to send observers.

Dead in the hands of security forces

Micco pointed out that there were others 20 complaints for various crimes committed in the state of emergency. "I believe that in the next few hours, they will increase. There is a constitutional complaint because in a police station, inhuman, cruel and degrading treatment is unacceptable, "he said in a dialogue with the local Cooperative. Five of the complaints concern people killed by alleged acts of the army and police., for whom the NHRI has lodged a homicide complaint.

"We express to the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, our concern over the violation of fundamental rights that we have seen. We are fundamentally concerned about the transparency of the number of people who are dead, injured or detained, among others. We therefore reaffirm the role of the Institute of penetrating all police, military and hospital premises in order to gather all the information that can be provided, "said Micco. .

The list published by the agency is as follows:

• Romario Veloz, La Serena, produces a bullet in the nape of the neck;

• Alex Núñez, Maipú (RM), struck with skull and thorax bumps.

• Kevin Gómez, Coquimbo, shot by the army.

• Manuel Rebolledo Navarrete, Talcahuano, hit by a military vehicle.

• José Miguel Uribe Antipán, Curicó, shot by the army.

Complaint for alleged sexual abuse

INDH and the Association of Feminist Lawyers (Abofem) have warned that there are complaints of sexual violence by the troops. At the NHRI, he filed two complaints of crimes against women in police stations. "We were able to register stories of striptease, physical and verbal abuseThe police are slow to bring detainees to the police station, keep them in vans, with insufficient ventilation and overcrowded, for long hours, "said the agency.

The most shocking case is that of a woman arrested on October 20 in the Acuenta supermarket. "When she was arrested, as with other people, her hands were immobilized from behind, with plastic ties, they pointed it with the service weapon on her face and l '. placed on their belly on the basket, indicating that if she moved they would shoot him then start touching his body with the rifle and threaten to penetrate him with the rifle", Declares the complaint, published in the Bio Bio Chilean.

Association of Feminist Jurists (ABOFEM)) He denounced in a statement that the police were "severely and repeatedly violating the protocols of action against arrest and repression in the context of demonstrations, violating the rights of detainees". Feminist lawyers warned that detainees were assaulted "unnecessarily, without providing or providing urgent medical care, Forcing women to undress in a vexatious manner, throwing tear gas and pellets directly at the demonstrators' bodies and using firearms illegally"


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