Chile: the social outburst is already 18 dead, including a boy of 4 years


Three people, one of whom 4 years old baby, joined the list of victims of events in Chile, leaving a balance until Wednesday 18 dead, according to the latest government report. Some 269 people were injured – 137 by firearms – and about 1,900 were arrested, the National Institute of Human Rights said in its latest report.

The boy and a man died when a drunk driver crashed a group of protesters in the city of San Pedro, while another person died after receiving information. a police beating, as reported by his relatives.

In the latter case, the Deputy Minister of the Interior of Chile, Rodrigo Ubilla, said that "there are currently two judicial situations: the complaint of the National Institute of Human Rights". 39; man about it and the prosecution investigation that was opened as a criminal case ".

According to the official, 169 serious acts of violence were committed yesterday, 979 people arrested for acts of violence and 538 for curfew.

With regard to the markets, according to official data, 54 people and 220,000 people were registered.

When questioned about allegations of illegal detention and torture, Ubilla said that "the government condemns everything that is removed from the law," and said the allegations were currently being targeted. investigations and that cases should be clarified in order to act.

General strike and more protests

The main unions and social movements they will take the streets this Wednesday and Thursday after having convened a general strike, despite the fact that President Sebastián Piñera apologized and announced measures to end the seizure.

"The strike is going away! We say it loud and clear: enough hiking and abuse!" Said Tuesday evening the Central Unitary Workers (CUT), the most powerful union of Chile.

Twenty organizations of workers and students called to strike to repudiate Piñera's decision to put the country in a state of emergency and curfew, and are turning to the military to control the worst social epidemic in Chile for three decades.

The wick was illuminated by the increase – then suspended – of 3.75% of the price of the subway ticket in Santiago, but resulted in a larger movement that puts other social demands on the table: in particular very low pensions of the private system that remains a legacy of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990).

A study published Wednesday by the company Ipsos indicates that 67% of respondents "they got tired of their living conditions in the economic, health and pension fields ", which they perceive as" unfair and unfair ".

Piñera is excused and announced economic measures

Faced with strong popular indignation, Piñera asked "sorry" Tuesday evening and acknowledged his "lack of vision" to anticipate the epidemic, changing tone two days after claiming that the country I was "at war".

The President also announced a package of measures, including: improve the pensions of the poorest, suspend a 9.2% increase in electricity rates, supplement the minimum wage, purchase insurance for drugs and impose higher taxes on higher-income sectors.


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