They found a truck full of corpses | Half …


British police found Tuesday a truck containing 39 bodies. The main hypothesis of the discovery suggests that migrant smuggling is a reality, even if the official confirmation remains. The macabre discovery took place in Essex County, about 35 kilometers east of London. The vehicle arrived shortly after midnight at the English port of Purfleet from Belgium, police sources said, correcting earlier information. The driver of the truck, originally from Norway, was arrested for murder. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that he was "horrified" by the fact.

During the first phase of the investigation, it was reported that the vehicle had entered the island through the Welsh port of Holyhead, the main point of exchange with Ireland. However, a few hours later, a new statement explained that the container had left the Belgian port of Zeebrugge. The truck and trailer left Wednesday for the Greys area around 01:05 (UK time). Half an hour later, the 39 bodies were found.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has declared himself "horrified by this tragic event". "The Interior Ministry is quickly informing me and working closely with the Essex police to find out exactly what happened," he said in a tweet. "All traffickers of human beings must be prosecuted and prosecuted"Johnson later told Parliament.

Interior Minister Priti Patel said she would be "very willing to speak with the Justice Department" in the UK about the possibility of imposing harsher penalties people found guilty of trafficking in persons. Patel pointed out that the British government is working "with all European authorities to share intelligence and monitor movements when we talk about problems like this". he
"case scenario" could go beyond the UK and Europe.
This is obviously a problem that the police must solve with its
investigation, "he added.

The truck was registered in Bulgaria in 2017. Since then, it has no longer marketed the country, said Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov. "The only relationship with Bulgaria's truck in Essex is the registration plate.The truck is Bulgarian and we are all in shock.An Irish citizen has registered it in 2017, left the country and never returned to Bulgarian territory, "he told the local channel BTV Prime Minister Boiko Borisov.

Among the first hypotheses, it is presumed that the episode is linked to the illegal trafficking of people. In any case, the British police did not specify whether the victims (38 adults and one teenager) were migrantsand warned that your identification might take a long time. After the macabre discovery, the force allowed two telephone numbers, one national and the other, to help those who feared their loved ones to be among the victims.

The truck driver, a 25-year-old Norwegian, was arrested for murder. "The truck and caravan will be transported to a safe place on Tilbury's docks to extract the bodies, while preserving the dignity of the victims," ​​police chief Pippa Mills said in the afternoon. , at a press conference. The place of facts.

These types of findings are rare in the United Kingdom. In 2014, workers at the Tilbury Harbor heard screams and blows in a sea container and found 34 live but severely affected Afghans suffering from dehydration, hypothermia and dyspnea.


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