In Iceland, they keep a hamburger 10 years ago


Since ten years from Iceland kept as treasure a menu of McDonald & # 39; sthe latest before the chain will close its restaurants in the country for the crisis, an agony broadcast live on the Internet.

In 2009, after 16 years in the country, McDonald & # 39; s closed his last restaurant because of the economic collapse and Iceland became one of the few countries in Europe western no mark.

October 31 of this yearsmall before closing the three restaurants that were still working in Iceland, Hjörtur Smarason bought a menu and decided to keep it Inside a glass bell

That's how they keep the latest McDonald's menu in Iceland

"I decided to buy it for historical value That represented. I had heard that the kitchen of McDonald & # 39; s never breaks down and I wanted to check it, "says the head of communication of a company specializing in space tourism.

The burger, accompanied by a ration of fries, has been transferred to National Museum of Iceland and then to a Reykjavik hostel.

Today & # 39; hui It is exhibited as if it was an art work in Snotra House, a guest house of Thykkvibaer, south of Iceland

"People from all over the world come, especially in summer, see the burger "Sigurdur Gylfason, the owner of the establishment, said with a smile.

The slow agony of the hamburger can be followed live on the Internet Thanks to a camera. According to the manager of the hostel There are approximately 400,000 daily connections to see it.

In 2013, to justify the fact that the hamburger does not seem to break down, explained McDonald's that certain conditions like the humidity, which in this case are not fulfilled because the hamburger is protected.

An argument that scientists support. Without moisture, "the food simply dries"Björn Adalbjörnsson, professor at the Faculty of Food Sciences of University of Iceland.


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