Alberto Fernández is already in Mexico to meet …


From Mexico

Alberto Fernández arrived early in Mexico today as part of his first trip abroad as President Elect. He was waiting for the Latin American Affairs Secretary of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maximiliano Reyes Zúñiga, with a replica of the jersey and the ball with which the Argentine team won the World Cup here in 1986 as a gift. The purpose of this trip is Monday's meeting at the National Palace with Mexican President Andrés López Obrador. The same day, he will meet businessmen, including the tycoon Carlos Slim.

Fernández left Ezeiza on Friday and arrived early this Saturday at the Federal District Airport. His trip took place a few hours after receiving the congratulatory call from Donald Trump, with whom he had promised to maintain a "mature and cordial" relationship. A good prologue for his first start as president. Together with Fernández, their partner Fabiola Yáñez, Felipe Solá, Cecilia Todesca, Miguel Cuberos and their spokesperson Juan Pablo Biondi.

Fernandez already knew Maximiliano Reyes because he went to visit his offices in San Telmo last week, where they finished confirming the trip. Alberto Fernández wanted to meet López Obrador since the campaign. The former Chilean senator Marco Enriquez-Ominami (he is also here) is the link that unites the two men. He collaborates with the president-elect with his contacts in international politics and sees great coincidences between the positions of AMLO and Fernández. Argentina's ambassador to Mexico, Ezequiel Sabor, also received the delegation.

The rendezvous with López Obrador will take place this Monday at the National Palace at 11 o'clock. They will then share a lunch. The continuity of the two countries of the Lima group and the position vis-à-vis Venezuela will be one of the important topics to be discussed. Fernandez expressed during the campaign his differences with the line advocated by Mauricio Macri, very much in line with Washington's wishes.

That same Monday, he will have a meeting with businessmen in the afternoon, with Slim as the main figure. The powerful Mexican businessman knew how to create a good bond during Kirchner's leadership years.

The agenda will end Tuesday when the president-elect will deliver a speech in front of the old school of San Ildefonso as part of the university's curriculum on democracy, justice and society. National Autonomous University of Mexico.

In principle, Fernandez had to take a few days off with his partner. But, finally, the trip will compensate for professional activities and walks during the weekend. The entourage was housed in the Camino Real Hotel, adorned with floral arrangements and sculptures for the Day of the Dead, the special Mexican tradition that is celebrated today.

Before getting on the plane, Solá said in a statement on the radio: "I'm gradually getting used to the idea of ​​being the chancellor" and to whom it is possible the greatest opportunities to become the next Minister of Foreign Affairs are being given. it would be "a daunting challenge if this designation occurs".

For his part, Nicolás Trotta, coordinator of technical teams of Alberto Fernández, said that Argentina and Mexico "can lead a new stage that opens in Latin America" ​​and deepen the process of Integration of the countries that make up the region. asked to give time to the relations of the president-elect with the head of the Brazilian state, Jair Bolsonaro. "The first departure of Alberto Fernández as elected president is in Mexico is a very important message, not only because of the importance that Mexico has as the second largest economy in Latin America, but also because Andrés López Obrador is a reference for what we consider should be a process of deepening Latin American integration, "said Trotta.


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