US elections: Fauci praised Biden and angered Trump


In the hours of presidential elections in the United States from this Tuesday, November 3, the main government expert in infectious diseases, Anthony Fauci, criticized the president Donald trump for his management of Coronavirus pandemic and praised his rival Joe Biden, what triggered the fury at the white house.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Fauci warned that the United States will face “a lot of damage” in the coming weeks due to increase in coronavirus cases. The specialist’s comments contradict Trump’s frequent claim that the nation is “reverse ”the virus.

Fauci said the United States “couldn’t be in a poorer position“To stop the rise in cases as more people congregate indoors during the colder fall and winter months. In that sense, he said the United States will have to do a”sudden change “in public health precautions, said the agency AP.

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Beyond criticism, which generated White House anger was Fauci’s praise for Trump’s rival, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. “Take it seriously from a public health perspective, “the expert said of Biden, while of the current president he said he” sees him from a different perspective. “

Fauci, who is on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, says the Trump administration’s prospect is economy and the reopening of the country“.

In response, the White House spokesman, Judd Deere, he said that Trump always puts the well-being of the people first and Deere accused Fauci of deciding “playing politics “just before the elections Tuesday.

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Deere said Fauci “has a duty to voice his concerns or push for a change in strategy,” but instead he is. “choose to criticize the president in the media and publicize his political leanings“.

Finally, Fauci responded that during his decades of public service, has never publicly supported any political candidate.



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