Elections in the United States: Joe Biden won …


The Democratic candidate Joe Biden outnumbered President Donald Trump in Georgia, crucial in the race for the White House, although the vote count still continues.

According to Fox and CNN TV channels, Biden has reduced the distance with Trump in recent hours and is currently realizing 917 votes more than the current president in this southern state of the country. Just hours ago, Trump’s lead was 1,267 votes.

The rebound started when the postal votes started to be counted, a tool provided for by law but which is rejected by Trump, who reiterated this Thursday in a press release from the White House his complaint for electoral “fraud” and warned that he would go to court with this dispute and others .

In Georgia, 16 electoral votes are at stake, which would be enough to give victory to Biden, who already has 253 constituency delegates and is on the verge of securing 11 from Arizona. You need 270 to proclaim yourself the winner.

Trump has 214 delegates secured to the Electoral College.

Counting in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, the former vice-president Biden He was also narrowing his distance from Trump and currently, with 97% of the complete exam, it is three tenths of a percentage.

Trump’s lead now stands at 18,042 votes, while a few hours after the polls closed last Tuesday, he had reached more than half a million votes.

It is calculated that in Pennsylvania there are around 200,000 votes to count, most of which correspond to the postal vote, with which it is presumed that they should fall in their majority in the hands of the Democrat. Authorities in Pennsylvania announced their intention to conclude the vote on Friday.

In the 2016 election, Trump won Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes with a 40,000 vote difference over his Democratic rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Pending states

Among the other states pending trial, there are Nevada, where Biden has a difference of 11,438 votes, which is equivalent to nine tenths of advantage over the leader, while there are less than 250,000 votes to count. However, the majority of those votes awaiting review correspond to Las Vegas and its suburb, mostly Democrats.

In North Carolina, Trump’s lead is 76,701 votes (1.4 points), but voting shouldn’t end until next week, because in this state, votes will continue to be received by mail until the 12th.

In Arizona, a state in which some of the country’s mainstream media projected a Biden victory, while others are keeping the dispute open, the former vice president retains an advantage of 46,257 votes, with around 300,000 counting, in particular the initial votes not yet processed.

Finally, in Alaska, where the exam was slower and remains at 56%, it is taken for granted that Trump will stand up with the three conflicting delegates, since its advantage is almost 30 percentage points (54,610 votes).


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