Elections United States: Georgia announced a recall …


Three days before the elections held in the United States, the final results are still awaited. Faced with this scenario, the authorities of Georgia announced on Friday that they would recount the votes in a state where the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, before the President of the United States, Donald trump, for minimal benefit.

“With such a small margin, there is going to be a count in Georgia”, confirmed to the press Brad Raffensperger, the Secretary of State, who is the Minister of the Interior in charge of the process.

Georgia has 16 electoral votes, so if Biden wins he would be close to becoming president. The Democratic Party candidate leads with 253 electoral votes, very close to the threshold of 270 votes needed to reach the White House.

The Trump campaign has denounced the fraud, without presenting any evidence, in several key states and filed a lawsuit on Wednesday to question the validity of some of the votes in Georgia, but a judge dismissed the complaint.

The President of the United States has used his social media to question the results so far, while denouncing the irregularities and calling for justice to resolve the situation.

“We have to see how this swamp got hit in the first place. Governor Wolf and the state Supreme Court have blatantly violated the US Constitution,” Trump said on his Twitter account.

And he continued, “The power to make these rules and regulations is in the hands of the Legislature. They just ignored it, they ignored the Constitution. Now we are taking it to counters, and shockingly, observers. , who are the sentinels of integrity and transparency, they have been excluded. “

“Pennsylvania has behaved in a horrible and lawless manner, and we hope this will be corrected by the United States Supreme Court. These late votes after polling day are illegal. The Supreme Court, under extraordinary circumstances, was able to take decisions in a few days, ”he published, citing the words of the lawyer and former American judge. Stuart Varney.

However, Biden doesn’t need to win in Georgia to get the 270 Electoral College delegates needed to secure the White House. All eyes are now on the count in Pennsylvania, which with its 20 voters would give it the keys to the White House.

In Pennsylvania, the tide that favored Trump has reversed and the Democrat edged Biden by 5,000 votes, but the tally continues. The Trump campaign, which has so far added 214 votes for the Electoral College, has warned that “the election is not over.”


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