Spain: They found decapitated dolphins with the name “Juan” carved


Human activity continues to cause irreparable damage to both nature and animals. The beaches of Almería, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, were full of cruelty: local police found a dozen decapitated dolphins and mysteriously, with the name Juan carved, apparently, with a “too sharp” knife.

In this sense, the Civil Guard has opened an investigation and hopes that arrests will take place in the coming hours. On another side, there were several scattered dolphins and one of them was found washed up on the beach of Cala Príncipe in San José, Níjar.

The only ones who could take over before the intervention of the officers they were volunteers from the Equinac animal welfare group. The non-governmental organization believed that they would find the whole body but unfortunately when they tried to move it, they discovered that his head had been cut off.

By the kind of cuts, from the protectionist NGO, they confirmed that the cuts “they were made by a human “ and not due to an accident with a boat, rocks or any other type of movement. Finally, the head of one of the remains was found on a nearby shore.

Faced with this situation, the Civil Guard of Almería assured that there had been many “other similar incidents” and the authorities of Equinac are so upset by these “deliberate acts” that they published a message of alert on their social network.

Authorities are investigating who he is "JUAN", the person who decided to do this cruelty on the dolphins.  From a protectionist organization, they suggested that this person "has experience" in marine animals.
Authorities are investigating the identity of “JUAN”, the person who decided to commit this cruelty to the dolphins. From a protectionist organization, they suggested that this person “has experience” with marine animals.For: Civil Guard of Almería, Andalusia.

“This message is for you, the person who cuts and beheads dolphins. Keep in mind that the Almería Civil Guard is investigating and doing it very well. Neither the Local Guard nor Equinac, we don’t know. We know that the cuts are made by someone who has experience in dismembering these marine animals or others.”They wrote via Facebook.

And they added: “But, in addition, we have an exceptional civil guard in Almería, at the same time Seprona, GEAS, maritime service, and the colonel in chief himself who, beyond his functions of guardians of the laws that protect wildlife and the environment, they take it very seriously and with great determination ”.

The Spanish non-governmental organization Equinac took on the task of presenting the complaint to the authorities.
The Spanish non-governmental organization Equinac took on the task of presenting the complaint to the authorities.For: NGO Equinac

“We are very grateful and very proud of the collaborative work that we have been developing for years with the Civil Guard Command of Almería, and many cases have been brought to the courts themselves thanks to them, because marine animals, like land animals, also have rights and laws that protect them“, They concluded from the organization for the protection of marine animals.


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