Message from Biden after being elected president of the United States – U.S. election 2020


In a speech from his home town of Wilmington, Delaware, Biden said, “It is time for us to come together as a nation.”

“From day one we will be implementing our plan to control this virus,” he said of the coronavirus situation.

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his Official site released Biden’s first statement as president-elect to his compatriots:

“I am honored and touched by the trust the American people have placed in me and myself from Vice President-elect Harris,” the message begins.

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“Faced with unprecedented obstacles, a record number of Americans voted. Proving once again that democracy beats deep in America,” he continued.

And he ended the letter by stressing the need for America to unite: “With the campaign over, it’s time to put the anger and harsh rhetoric behind and unite as a nation. for the United States to unite. “

“We are the United States of America. And there is nothing we cannot do, if we do it together,” he concluded.

At the same time, on his Twitter, he said: “I am honored to have been chosen to lead our great country. The work ahead will be difficult, but I promise you this: I will be president for all Americans, who ‘they vote or not. for me or not. “


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