United States Elections: Crowd Gathers in …


The Democrat’s victory Joe biden As President of the United States, he encouraged hundreds of people to gather around the White House to celebrate the election results. Between honking and chanting, a crowd came to downtown Washington this Saturday to celebrate the departure of Donald trump Power.

The 77-year-old former vice-president of Barack Obama was elected 46th president of the United States, according to projections by major American networks, ending the tumultuous tenure of the now former Republican president.

On a sunny and festive day, American citizens arrived at Black Lives Matter Plaza, part of the avenue that leads to the presidential residence, renamed with that name a few months ago, to protest against police brutality against the population. . Afro-American.

The federal capital is a Democratic stronghold. The posters with the faces of Joe Biden and Kamala harris, the future vice-president, has blossomed again in its streets, where thousands of its faithful, all wearing chin straps, display them with pride and joy.

Singing “Bye, bye, Trump” he was heard in the streets of Black Lives Matter Square and Lafayette Square, also near the presidential residence.

The celebrations take place in different parts of the country, with people holding signs like “Trump is over,” while others kiss and dance, and people could even be seen roasting in the streets.

“I am overwhelmed, extremely happy and very proud that we have taken a different direction,” said Amy Berger, 40, who was with her son in a more residential area.

In New York, where Trump is from, the scene of the celebration was reproduced. Catherine Griffin, 47, even shed a few tears of emotion. “I am happy that Donald Trump is leaving our livesLet’s wait forever, ”he says.

Americans waited four days before learning the name of their future president after a very close election in a highly polarized country. The media ended up projecting a victory for Joe Biden on Saturday.


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