Trump is the fifth US president to lose re-election


Donald Trump became the fifth President of the United States to lose re-election on Saturday, in a country with a long history of re-election where leaders who failed to win a second term in the last century have been defeated in the midst of a economic recession, political crisis or scandals.

It took 22 years for an American president to lose his re-election. In 1992, George Bush Sr. was defeated by a young Bill Clinton, in the midst of a severe economic recession after the end of the Cold War and the Gulf War.

Today, in 2020, Trump did not reach his second term after the country suffered the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression of 1929, when the Wall Street crash was the big determinant for Herbert C. Hoover to become the first president by losing one re-election.

After Hoover, it was not until 1976, 44, that another president lost the election.

However, the Gerald Ford case was special, as he did not get the presidency through the ballot box.

Ford held the vice-presidency in 1973 after the resignation of Spiro Agnew, convicted of tax evasion, and the following year he became president after the Watergate scandal, a landmark case of espionage and harassment of opponents, which coerced then-president Richard Nixon to resign.

Ford lost to Democrat Jimmy Carter, whose government lost popularity in 1979, when 66 US citizens were kidnapped in Iran, while the US economy suffered from rising oil prices.

Four years later, in 1980, Carter lost his re-election to Republican Ronald Reagan.

President until January

Today, Trump is following in the footsteps of those former presidents and will have to hand over command to Democrat Joe Biden in January next year.

Its mismanagement of the coronavirus pandemic, which has left the country most affected in the world, with more than 9.50 million cases and more than 234,000 deaths, has been one of the key problems of the presidential campaign and the reason of criticism and rejection of American citizens.

The Republican’s lone tenure has been marked by controversy, including a political trial for alleged extortion of his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate the Biden family, until the recent departure from the country of the Paris Agreement and its strong denial. of climate change.

The Trump administration has seen constant threats and escalation of trade with China, the United States’ unilateral exit from the nuclear non-proliferation pact with Iran, has generated tensions with its own allies around the world and has withdrawn. characterized by a policy of unilateral sanctions against the Republic. Islamic from Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and China.


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