Trump’s wife and son-in-law urged him to admit election defeat, CNN says


The first lady Melania Trump and the son-in-law of the American president, Hared Kushner – in addition to the adviser to the president -, recommended to Donald Trump to recognize the electoral victory of the Democrat Joe Biden, entrusted sources close to the Republican leader to the chain of CNN television.

Melania “joined the voices of President Trump’s inner circle in informing them that the time has come to accept defeat in the election,” the news network said on its website Sunday, citing “a source familiar with conversations “in the intimate environment of the president.

The portal pointed out that Trump’s wife privately voiced her opinion to the president, although in public she posted a tweet in which she said that “the American people deserve a fair election. Every legal vote should be counted. . We must fully protect our democracy. Transparency “.

Regarding Kushner’s participation in the President’s close debate, CNN said the adviser and his son-in-law recommended that he admit he was defeated in a fair election, in addition to the fact that the network of The information also posted a tweet from the campaign spokesperson. Trump’s Jason Miller, denying this information.

“This news is not true. Jared advised Donald Trump to follow all legal avenues to ensure the accuracy” of the election results, Miller said in a social media post.

Biden’s deputy campaign manager and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris Kate Bedingfield said last night that there had been no communication between Biden and Trump, or between representatives of either campaign, since the Democrat was named the winner.


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