Brazil: the loneliness of Jair Bolsonaro | Opinion


From Rio de JaneiroOne of the characteristics of Jair Bolsonaro (Photo), the genocide of the apprentices which destroyed Brazil, laughs all the time. A nervous laugh, tense, false, rude like him.

The country is collapsing coronavirus deaths exceed 168,000 and those infected are five million 900,000. But he moves all the time in an early re-election campaign in 2022. He moves laughing.

The number of unemployed breaks all the records in history, the tax tension is rising – public debt approached 100% in October -, the local currency, the real, has suffered a devaluation of over 40% so far this year against the dollar. Contemplating such an image, Bolsonaro finds time to highlight the essential projects of his larva, one of which stands out: the one that aims to facilitate the granting of jet sky piloting licenses.

Well: sometimes the nervous laughter disappears. This is when a certain disappointment arises. And then Bolsonaro reappears in his purest form: a creature charged with hatred and resentment, launching furious hallucinations against everything and everyone.

The past week has been marked by fits of absurdity and fury. It all started with Bolsonaro celebrating the death of a volunteer who had been tested for the vaccine developed in Brazil by the Instituto Butatan, from San Pablo, an international reference, in association with the Chinese laboratory which produces Coronavac.

According to a totally out of control Bolsonaro, this death signified his victory against the governor of San Pablo, the right João Doria, possible rival in the presidential elections of 2022, and defended by Coronavac. It turns out that the 33-year-old pharmacist did not die from the side effects of the “Chinese vaccine”: he committed suicide.

Dissatisfied, the next day Bolsonaro, who continues to refuse to recognize the defeat of his idol Donald Trump, referred to “the other candidate”, in clear reference to Joe biden.

During a televised debate, the now-elected US president warned that if the environmental devastation promoted by the government continued in Brazil, the country could face economic sanctions.

Haughty, Bolsonaro drew his warning: he said that when “saliva” is not enough, referring to diplomacy, one must “have gunpowder, and we have it”.

Beyond the pathetic and ridiculous threat, Bolsonaro addressed a particularly sensitive point, which had already shown weak signs of concern about the degree of presidential illusion: the armed forces.

There was an initial statement from the commander-in-chief of the army, General Edson pujol, recalling that the armed forces are institutions of the State and not of any government. Immediately the vice president Hamilton MouraoA reformed general came to his support.

Bolsonaro had no choice but to accept, but remembering that Pujol is where he is because he was appointed by him, that as president he is the supreme leader of the armed forces.

Yesterday, a new note, but this time signed by the Minister of Defense, retired general Fernando Azevedo, and the three-armed commanders, all active, remembering the same thing: the armed forces do not obey parties and trust the president to think alike. Clearer, impossible.

On time: Bolsonaro’s relations with his vice, General Mourão, have been frozen for a long time. The president does not support the way his vice appears in the media as a balanced person, and how he maintains direct channels of communication with foreign businessmen and diplomats, who try to avoid the illusions of Bolsonaro.

At this point, there is no doubt about the growing isolation in which the Brazilian president finds himself. A loneliness that grows every moment, inside and outside the country.

Today, Sunday, mayors and councilors are elected in 5,068 Brazilian municipalities. Bolsonaro worked hard, but There are many signs that its candidates will suffer devastating defeats, mainly in the country’s two largest capitals, São Paulo and Rio.

Yes Donald Trump’s defeat will further increase his global isolation. At the regional level, since the election of Alberto Fernandez In Argentina, the Brazilian far right adds one defeat after another.

To choose Luis Lacalle Pou In Uruguay, the scenario has not changed: after all, since the election campaign, the right-wing candidate had made it clear that any distance from Bolsonaro would be minimal. Then came the choice of Luis Arce in Bolivia and the call to the constituent in Chile.

And now, the military who actually have the command of the troops in Brazil remind him that they are the armed forces of the state and not of an increasingly pathetic government. What shines on the stage is a Bolsonaro more and more submerged in his own labyrinth of loneliness and delirium.


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