“He won because …”: in a tweet, Donald Trump admits the victory of Joe Biden


Eight days after the announcement of the results of the US presidential election, Donald Trump admitted defeat to Joe Biden, but only in a tweet.

“He won because the election was rigged”the president tweeted on Sunday morning, referring to the former vice president of Barack Obama.

Thus, Trump again referred to his hypothesis of a massive fraud, which was not supported by any specific evidence.

He won because the election was rigged. No observers or voting observers allowed, vote tabulated by a private radical left-wing Dominion company with a bad reputation and shoddy team that couldn’t even qualify for Texas (which I won a lot!) And silent, ”Trump wrote on his Twitter account.

But the first two words of his tweet (“He won”, “He won”) attracted attention because it was the first time he spoke them after the results were announced.

El gushes the Trump.

El gushes the Trump.

Then, in another post, he reinforced his idea: “He won only in the eyes of the fake media. I won’t concede anything! We have a long way to go. It was a rigged election!”

On Friday, Trump spoke for the first time – albeit only half – of his Democratic opponent’s victory by hinting, before retracting, that he would no longer be at the forefront of handling the coronavirus crisis after the January 20. , day of the presidential inauguration.

All-state results have already been announced by the country’s major television networks. Biden obtained 306 electoral votes, against 232 for the incumbent president: exactly the same figures, but backwards, as in the victory of the Republican magnate – then qualified by him of “tidal wave” – ​​against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

And several local and national electoral authorities, including the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which reports to the Ministry of Homeland Security, have challenged the president’s accusations of irregularities head-on.

“The November 3 election was the safest in American history”they said in a joint statement.

“There is no evidence of a voting system that has been erased, lost or altered from the ballots, or that it has been hacked in any way,” they added.

In one of his tweets, the outgoing president echoed a theory promoted on the internet by the QAnon movement, which is spreading unsubstantiated allegations that there was electoral fraud linked to the company Dominion Voting Systems, maker of the counting machines.

On Thursday, Trump posted another tweet mentioning the conspiracy theory that the company had withdrawn millions of votes in its favor, citing a link from the far-right One America News Network.

The non-governmental organization Advance Democracy, which follows cases of disinformation, has observed since November 5 that one in seven messages on Twitter with the hashtag #Dominion came from accounts that identify with QAnon.

QAnon is an internet phenomenon that promotes theories without any basisLike the fact that the world is run by an organization of satanic pedophiles who, among other things, conspire to overthrow Trump or that the wildfires ravaging the American West were caused by activists from Black Lives Matter (Black Lives Matter). count).

These conspiracy theories and allegations of electoral fraud, which Trump himself promotes, appear to be wreaking havoc on his own supporters.

On Saturday, thousands of supporters of the outgoing president marched through central Washington to protest alleged electoral fraud at a rally, which led to nightly altercations against Trump’s critics.

With agency information


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