Peru: the stories of two young men murdered by …


Jack Brian Pintado Sánchez and Jordan Inti Sotelo Camargo were two of the hundreds of young people who took to the streets to protest against Manuel Merino’s accession to the presidency of Peru. The former head of Congress, who assumed the national executive last Tuesday after the dismissal of Martín Vizcarra on the disputed charge of “permanent moral incapacity”, could not bear the new generations showing their weight and decided to brutally suppress the demonstrations. The toll is known: Pintado Sánchez, 22, and Sotelo Camargo, 24, were killed by police during massive national marches. Cornered and after the death of the two young men, Merino submitted his resignation.

Sunday noon, to remember the victims, Neighbors have placed floral arrangements at the intersection of Avenida Abancay and Nicolás de Piérola, one of the points where police abuse has been recorded during the six days of protests since Merino’s inauguration.. Previously, in different regions of the country, cacerolazos and car and bicycle caravans were organized, added to the campaigns on social networks under the hashtag #FueraMerino.

The autopsies carried out on the bodies of the young people were the responsibility of prosecutors Lesly Mireillie Carmona Viena, of the fourth provincial prosecutor of La Victoria, and Juana Meza Peña, of the provincial prosecutor of Lima. As stated, all evidence has been provided to the experts of the prosecution expertise management.

In the case of Brian, the person responsible for receiving the sad news was his grandmother Moraiba Sandoval, who was working at the time of the events. The woman, according to the América Televisión channel, did not know that her grandson would participate in the demonstration. “He said to me, ‘Mom, I’m going out, but give me my tip’ and he was happy. I told him ‘my son, take care of yourself’ “, he remembered.

He wanted to be a lawyer. This motivated him because he saw a lot of injustice in Peru. He said he wanted to study this to find justice. He was an assistant. I lifted it up. His mother gave it to me when I was three years old, ”added his grandmother.

Lawyer for the Pintado Sánchez family, Jimmy Sotomayor, denounced that the projectiles found in the body of the 22-year-old man were lead, not rubber, as mentioned by the National Police of Peru. The lawyer called the act a homicide. The victim would have suffered at least ten impacts during the second national march against the ephemeral regime of Manuel Merino.

The The Inti Sotelo Camargo family, for its part, he criticized the first version of the Peruvian police. “We say supposed projectile but there is an entry in the chest “, her father expressed it hours before the autopsy. Meanwhile, his brother Pasha announced that the family would go “to the last consequences” to find those responsible. “I am ashamed of the authorities. They are supposed to protect us. The police are not looking after us. The police repress us and that has a leader, the Minister of the Interior. When we complain or denounce, we close the doors, ”he said.

A few hours later, the The lawyer for the Sotelo Camargo family denounced that members of the Peruvian National Police (PNP) went to his client’s home, presumably to intimidate his family.. “The police went to the men’s homes, it is not known why, and this is a question that is repeated in several cases,” said the lawyer. “We are aware that the police will see several more injured on several occasions. They are afraid to report what happened in the event of suspected intimidation,” he added.

A video of several young people circulated on social networks denouncing the brutal repression. “They hit those who shouldn’t have touched. They hit those who shouldn’t have hit. They played with the wrong generation, a generation tired of abuse. A generation in which no one wanted to talk about politics. In the face of so much abuse, today we join the voice of protest, many march in the street, others on social networks ”, they expressed about a protest movement which in recent days has invaded the streets of Peru.


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