The 6 changes Bill Gates predicts for the vine …


The founder of the Microsoft company, Bill Gates, continues with the predictions of the coronavirus pandemic that are putting every country in the world in check. This time, with the podcast titled “How is the world going to deal with covid-19?”, The businessman reflected on future awaiting human customs once the health crisis has been overcome.

This Monday evening, in the popular podcast he is making with Rashida Jones, the businessman listed, without doing so explicitly, a series of changes that will take place in the future, especially in the social and labor field. .

1- Virtuality for businesses

Once the pandemic ended, the second richest man in the world predicted – just behind Jeff Bezos of the Amazon – way of traveling and doing business it will be completely different. “As World War II brought women into the workforce and a lot of that got stuck, this idea of ​​’Do I have to go physically?“… We will be able to ask that”, anticipated the businessman.

This trend, he said, will continue even for more casual or routine get-togethers, such as business meetings. “The idea of ​​learning or having a doctor’s appointment or a business call using only a screen with Zoom or Microsoft Teams will change dramatically,” predicted the Microsoft founder.

In addition, he assured, “people will go to the office less. You can even share offices with another company having employees who arrive on different days than those who arrive ”, with which staff turnover could become a constant in the post-pandemic world of work.

2- Software sophistication

He predicts that even the tools that exist today to maintain a virtual meeting will change dramatically, allowing this cultural shift to be even more pronounced and effective.

The software was a bit clunky when it all started, but now people are using it so much that you will be surprised how quickly we will innovate with software“, said.

3- Urban redefinition

By not needing to travel to the office every day, people will be able to get away from crowded cities, where rents are much higher, redefining city life as it was known until now.

“In cities like Seattle and San Francisco, even a well-paid person spends an incredible amount of money on their rent,” Gates warned.

4- Social contact

“I think the amount of social contact you have at work may decrease, so the desire to have more social contact in your community or with your friends at night might increase,” he said of the socialization that will follow. to the pandemic.

“Because if we do a lot of remote work, then our urge to socialize, our energy to socialize after stopping work, will be a little older. It might change the balance a bit there, ”he said.

5- Latent risk

Although the vaccine may be available to a large portion of the population in record time, Gates believes that normalcy as it was known until early 2020 will not return for a long time. Society, according to its projections, will continue to fear taking risks if it is not fully immune.

“There’s a phase where we’re going to have really low numbers in the US, but it will continue to be in other parts of the world, so it might resurface. I think a lot of people will continue to be quite conservative in their behavior, especially if they associate with older people. whose risk of becoming seriously ill is quite high, ”he said.

6- A world more prepared for future pandemics

Finally, the founder of Microsoft estimated that the world would be better prepared for a future pandemic, although he clarified that it would not necessarily be as bad as that of covid-19.

“The main reason it will have a less destructive impact is that we will practice. We would have played disease games like war games, and almost every country will react like South Korea or Australia did, where people are screened and quarantined very quickly, and our testing tools will be much better. We won’t be so stupid the second time around», He concluded.

Other predictions from Bill Gates

At the end of September, the businessman predicted that the United States would return to normal life in the summer of 2021, thanks to the progress made in vaccines against the coronavirus.

Previously, the Microsoft founder had estimated that none of the coronavirus vaccines under investigation would seek “approval in the United States by the end of October” and that the first that could apply for the license to use emergency would be Pfizer.

In another interview, Gattes predicted when the illness might end. “For the rich world, we should be able to end this (the coronavirus) by the end of 2021, while the rest of the country sees it finished by the end of 2022,” he said. he assured Wired magazine.

He also recently warned of another epidemic, that of malaria. “Mosquitoes bite every night and infect millions of people with malaria, a disease that kills a child every two minutes,” the tycoon said.


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