Entire family crushed to death after cliff collapse in Brazil | the Chronicle


An unexpected collapse on the cliff of Pipe, in Rio Grande do Norte, in Brazil, ended the life of a young family, along with their dog, who was resting in the shade when everything collapsed, were left under the rubble and died from their injuries.

The tremendous event occurred Tuesday at noon when Stella Souza (33), Hugo pereira (32), Ground, your 7 month old baby and your pet Broken They came to the beach to spend their day without work together, despite warnings about the dangers of the cliff. The family was left in its shadow and when it started to fall apart, it was trapped.

Those who witnessed the terrible scene tried to save them. While removing the debris, they found the body of the mother, who was holding the baby in an attempt to protect him from the fall. While the little one was still alive, did not resist injury and died hours later.

“We dig until we find the father, then we find the mother and child. The baby was still breathing. By chance, a doctor was passing by at this time. He tried to revive the baby, but he couldn’t do it anymore “said the nautical businessman Igor Caetano, witness to the accident, on site G1.

Stella and Hugo made their dream come true less than a year ago to open their hostel “Morada Brisa” a few meters from the paradisiacal beaches of Pipa, which welcomed around 7,000 people a day in the high summer season.

However, when the coronavirus pandemic arrived, the flow of guests into the couple’s accommodation was disrupted. “We have chosen to protect those who live here and then, with peace of mind and security at the right time, we will come back with love”, the couple said in a post on the hostel’s official website.

Hugo, for his part, had become known in Brazil for having crisscrossed the country in a Volkswagen combi with his dog in 2016. In one year, they traveled 14,000 kilometers and visited 15 Brazilian states.

The family was enjoying their day off when the landslide occurred.

The danger of Pipa cliff

“I was born and raised here and it has always happened, but more and more the sea is destroying the cliff more and more. We see tourists enjoying the shade of the cliffs and we ask them to leave because we know the risk ”said a fisherman in the same environment.

According to the municipality of Tibau do Sul, to which Pipa belongs, signs are posted to warn of the danger, but the tide carries them away.

Faced with repetitions of the death of the family, the communication secretary of the municipality, Fábio Pinheiro, said the victims had been alerted to the risks by a city official shortly before the accident.

Hugo and Stella, with their 7 month old baby.


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