Bill Gates’ pessimistic coronavirus forecast – News


Gates predicted some time ago that the disease would mean business trips could be taken up to half and office jobs would be fewer. Now, considers that winter will bring bad prospects to societies coexisting with Covid-19.

“When it’s colder, the virus multiplies when we spend more time indoors, so that’s not good. And there is also a certain fatigue, so it will be more difficult to do certain things that people have to do, like staying away. friends “the mogul said during an interview on the show The daily show.

However, consider that After the crisis, vaccine production will increase and this will solve the great global pandemic.

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In addition, he predicted more than 2,000 deaths per day in the United States. “In the 16 months until coverage is high, we will probably have 2,000 deaths a day in January, in February,” he said.

Due to a greater spread of the coronavirus, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation of the School of Medicine at the University of Washington made a projection this week that indicates that by March 1 the country will have 471 thousand deaths, 40 thousand more than he predicted the week before.


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