BBC: the two Argentines who appear on the list of …


The BBC published the list of the 100 inspiring and influential women of the world in 2020, among which stand out two Argentines: the football manager Evelina Cabrera, and the member of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) Carolina Castro.

To build the list, those who made headlines or were influential in the past 12 months were taken into account. Also to those who had inspiring stories to tell or who had achieved something significant, even if they had not necessarily appeared in the news.

Then the name pool was rated based on this year’s theme, “Women who lead change”, and regional representation and equity were measured before the choice of final names. Two Argentines managed to make the final list and, although they belong to different sectors, both have made their way into spaces dominated mainly by men.

Who is Evelina Cabrera

Evelina Cabrera founded on Argentine Women’s Football Association at 27 years old. She has formed several teams (including one for blind women), trained inmates and helped vulnerable women and girls through sport and education.

As a teenager, after his parents separated, he lived on the streets, where he took care of cars and earned money. “When I was in the worst places, no one trusted me. I had to trust myself to get ahead of the lowest “Said Cabrera on one occasion.

As one of the first female soccer coaches in Argentina, she was tasked with launching a fight for equal conditions which led to the professionalization of the sport in the female branch and published an autobiography in which she details his fight for equality entitled “Altanegra”, a name that plays on the word “haughty”.

Who is Carolina Castro

For its part, Carolina castro She is the first woman to take a leadership position in the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) in its 130-year history. It belongs to the third generation of a family business that manufactures auto parts.

In her position at the head of the company, she broke stereotypes by employing women in the production area in a higher percentage than the market average. He recently published “We broke the glass “, an anthology of conversations with 18 Argentine women who excel in business, the arts, politics and science.

The actress and climate change activist is also on the list Jane Fonda, the scientist who is leading research at the University of Oxford to create a vaccine against the coronavirus, Sarah gilbert and the leader of the Finnish government women’s coalition, Sanna Marin.


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