Man crashed his car at Angela Merkel’s seat of government in Germany with message


A man crashed a car with anti-globalization graffiti on Wednesday morning against the entrance to the German Chancellery in Berlin, where Angela Merkel was located, without causing extensive damage, after which he was arrested by police.

The vehicle, a dark green Volkswagen, had messages written on the exterior in white paint calling for a stop. “globalization policy” and exclaiming that “They are murderers of children and old people”.

The police, who quickly reduced it, are investigating whether it was a attack on the government. “We want to know if he deliberately crashed into the fence,” a police spokesperson said.

According to initial reports, the car was intentionally directed against the security fence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an area restricted to traffic and accessible only to media and official delegations.

The car had graffiti against globalization.  AFP Photo

The car had graffiti against globalization. AFP Photo

There was no damage to the Chancellery building. The car itself has not suffered any major breakage either. The impact was partly stopped by a few pivots placed to prevent this type of attack against the building that Angela Merkel has occupied for 15 years.

Following the arrest of the 54-year-old man, the car was removed by firefighters. It was recorded in the Lippe region, in the west of the country.

Merkel’s office is located in central Berlin, next to the Swiss Embassy and opposite the Parliament offices. At the moment, the reason for the incident is unknown, which occurred on the same day that the Chancellor plans to meet with state governors to discuss a possible extension of the partial quarantine for the coronavirus which has been in effect since November 2.

The area has been fenced off by the police.  Photo by Reuters

The area was fenced off by the police. Photo by Reuters

The neighborhood where the German government is based has recently been the scene of protests against the restrictions on Covid, involving radical right-wing radicals and groups that lean towards conspiracy theories.

German media reported that a similar vehicle was used in 2014 in an attempt to penetrate the perimeter of the Chancellery to protest against global warming.

With information from AFP and EFE.



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