They murdered a candidate for parliament in Venezuela


Waldo santeliz, candidate for the legislative elections to be held on December 6 in Venezuela, he was beaten down today in the state of Trujillo in the middle of an act of electoral campaign, informed the president of the legislative body, Luis Parra.

“We demand to clarify the murder of our brother and social fighter, Waldo Santeliz, because precisely the struggle that we are promoting is to achieve change through understanding and agreement, and not through violence and criminal actions”, Parra said through a Release sent to the press, picked up by the press agency Sputnik.

The parliamentarian was in the Santa Isabel sector in a activity called by your group, when a group of armed people in a van arrived at the site and shot him in the face without saying a word, local press reports.

For his part, the deputy Jos Brito explained that Santeliz took part in a campaign event in the municipality of Andrs Bello, with MP Conrado Prez, when a group of armed people arrived at the site and overpowered them with guns.

Santeliz, 61, was party coordinator Venezuela first in the state of Trujillo, in the west of the country, and aspired to be one of the 277 deputies who will be elected on December 6.

The formation in which he was active is a split from the opposition First Justice (PJ), created this year after several of its leaders were accused of secretly carrying out actions in favor of the government of Nicols Maduro, as allegedly pleading abroad for the lifting of international sanctions.

Until Venezuelan authorities have not commented on the matter.

Venezuela will hold these December elections despite questions about its transparency, which Unin Europea Yet the Organization of American States (OAS) to announce that they will not recognize your results.


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