Coronavirus: Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine approved in UK and will be applied from next week


The British regulatory body (MHRA) has approved the authorization for use of the coronavirus vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, making the United Kingdom the first country to authorize this pharmacological treatment, as reported by the public radio station British. BBC.

The MHRA noted that the vaccine, which offers up to 95 percent protection against Covid-19, is safe for the British population. With this authorization, the vaccination campaign can start in a few days for high-risk groups.

The British government has bought 40 million doses, with which it will be able to immunize 20 million people (the Pfizer treatment consists of two doses). Around ten million doses will be available for the UK in a short period of time.

The BBC pointed out that this has been an opportunity to develop a vaccine against a disease more quickly, just ten months from the start of the development process until authorization for use in the population, when it usually takes nearly a decade of development.

Following the UK regulatory body’s decision, the country’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson assured that “it’s fantastic” that the vaccine has been approved for use and said it will be available “in all over the UK from next week.

“It is the protection of vaccines that will ultimately allow us to resume our lives and revive the economy,” said the head of the British government from his Twitter account.


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