Video: he ran his Hilux on a car in revenge for an accident


Wrongful action by the driver of the van.  Photo: Youtube.

Wrongful action by the driver of the van. Photo: Youtube.

When two cars collide and no one is injured, the only thing their drivers need to do is get off the road (if possible) and share their data, then report it in their auto insurance. respective.

What was said in the previous paragraph is everything that did not happen on Sunday, November 29 in the afternoon in San Luis, a city located in the northeast of Brazil and capital of the state. from Maranhao. There the driver of A Toyota Hilux raced on the hood of the Toyota Corolla it had struck him a few minutes earlier.

The causes of accident are not entirely clear. At first glance, from the position in which they had collided, the Corolla appeared to have intended to turn left at an intersection and collide with the oncoming Hilux. If that were the case, the fault of the accident would be with the driver of the sedan, which could have caused the fury of the man behind the wheel of the van.

Instead of solving the problem in peace, the driver of the Hilux He accelerates, drags the Corolla a few inches and ends up mounting the left front wheel on its hood. “Don’t do that, my friend. I’m going to get the car out, I’m going to get the car out, ”the driver of the car repeats several times. The plea did not help: whoever had the pick-up crushed it and fled as if nothing had happened …

From what can be seen in the images, the Corolla It was badly damaged in the front sector, with the right front optics broken, the bonnet dented and knocks on the bumper. To top it off, when the Hilux passes it, it hits it with the left rear wheel as well. The pickup appears to have suffered nothing more than a blow to the bumper.

According to Globo, the case is being investigated by the Traffic Accident Police Station (DAT) with information provided by the People to the Traffic Tactical Group (GTT), the Municipal Secretariat of Transport and Transportation (SMTT ).

For now, the suspect is still at large. Once found, you will likely receive a heavy fine.


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