Coronavirus: the world has passed one and a half million …


This Thursday, the barrier of 1.5 million deaths due to Covid-19 was exceeded, which appeared at the end of 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the United States, India and Brazil being the countries most affected.

The world broke the barrier of 1.5 million deaths from the coronavirus pandemic that emerged in late 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan on Thursday, with the United States, India and Brazil being the countries most affected, according to independent data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU).

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) – whose updating tends to slow down due to the fact that it awaits confirmation from the epidemiological organizations of each country, often every week – has around 1,488. 120.

In total, the Baltimore-based university is responsible for 1,501,076 deaths worldwide out of nearly 65 million people infected worldwide.

The United States, the country most affected by the pandemic which continues to experience a significant rebound in cases and which has already reached 13.99 million infections, has accumulated 274,577 deaths.

With 174,515 deaths, Brazil is the second country with the most deaths from the disease and the third in terms of the number of infections (6.43 million), followed by India, which has 138,648 deaths and is the second country with the most cases (9.54 million), according to JHU.

These three countries accumulate more than 39% of deaths in the world and with Mexico and the United Kingdom, Italy and France.

While Southeast Asia exceeds 166,000 deaths, Africa only 33,900 and the Western Pacific does not reach 20,000 deaths.


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